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    Tobias's POV
Tris is asleep in the room, so I take this time to walk into the pink and grey nursery that I painted.
     I walk over to the crib and peer inside it. No baby. Its my fault. I've rarely been able to sleep. I look at the ceiling then to the ultrasound picture on the wall. I bite my lips, stopping me from crying.
    I go to the kitchen and take out the one thing I promised myself I wouldn't turn back to too. Alcohol. I take the beer out of the fridge and open it. As I'm about to take a drink I hear her voice.
    "Don't do it Tobias," Tris says from behind me. I sqeeze my eyes shut. "You should have chose her. I've never been the most religious, but she's in a better place. We don't know what would have happened to her if she lived. So, Tobias. Please, put the bottle down," She pleads.
    I force myself to put it down and walk into the living room, pushing past Tris. I sit down on the couch. "I did this. I can't live without you, I don't regret my choise, but that was my daughter. Our baby. This is hard," I say. As if she doesn't know. She's the one who carried- had our child in her. "I love you," I say.
    "I love you too. Why did you pick up that bottle?" She asks. I look down.
    "I can't get the image of Thana growing up. Her crawling around. Her going to school for the first time. Having to keep all the boys away from her," I admit. "But thats never going happen. She's never going to meet that jackass who's never going to be good enough for her. Shes never going to anything," I sob. Tris is crying too. We hold onto each other.

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