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Tobias's POV

Okay, yes, I'm scared of the damn doctors, It's embarrassing. That's why no one knows. I'm fine when I have to bring someone to one, but when it's me, I freak out. I'm currently breathing heavily. Tris squeezes my hand. We're waiting for the doctor to come in. She stands up and takes my hands. "Why isn't this in your landscape?" She asks. 

"Cause it's nothing I've ever really had to face in the real world," I tell her. She nods. "If it were other wise, I would have to change my name to Five," I say. She laughs. The door opens and my heart rate picks up even more. If I didn't worry about leaving Tris alone, I would run out of here in fear. Don't you dare laugh. I might be all tough, but I have fears other than my father. 

"Four?' The doctor asks. I nod. Tris takes my hand in hers again. "So, your knee bugs you?" I nod. 

"When ever he hand to bend down or something his knee doesn't allow him to get up. It won't move. Lat time, it took an hour," Tris says. Thank God for her. The doctor writes this down and looks back at me. 

"Well, we'll do a x-ray and then-"

"A wha-what? What's that?" I ask. The doctor smiles. 

"It's were we put a scanner to the area that we're looking at and it takes pictures of the bone. in this case, we would put it to your knee and look at the bone to see what's wrong." She leaves. I look at Tris. 

"Can we just leave Tris. I'm freaking out here," I tell her. She laughs. 

"It's okay. I'm here for you," she says. She kisses my forehead.-----

"So, we got the results in and it's nothing serious. Have you ever had a hard impact on your knee?" I nod. "Okay, well what I would do is work out your knee more. It'll stretch it out more and probably return to normal. Nothing is for sure. You two are free to go," she says. I say thank you and stand up. I could get out of there faster. 

"You did it," Tris says cheerily as I close our front for behind us.  I place my hands on her hips. 

"Do I get a reward?" I ask her with a smirk. She smiles and bites her lips. Taking  hold of my hand, she leads me to the room. I really need to go go the doctor more if this is what gonna happen after. 

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