Wake me up

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Tobias's POV
She's been in a coma for about two weeks now. I'm a mess. The fact that I was the one who shot her, it haunts me. I went to shoot at Marcus, but he moved making me fire multiple shots. One hit Tris at the time he had moved away. The one that did hit him though, lamded him dead. They said that it was an actvof self defence against someone so I'm in no trouble.
I sit beside Tris's bed, her small hans in mine. Her skin has never been so cold. It's almost as if- as if she's lifeless.
"Tris, please. Please wake up," I plead of her, leaning down til my forehead touches hers. Her father absolutely hates me now for shooting her and I can't blame him. I hate myself for it too.
"I need you Tris. You have to wake up. I'm gonna be a mess if you don't. I need you to keep me in my right head. You hold me together and need that. I understand that if when you wake up, you hate me and want a divorce, I'll understand; I just need to know that your alive. I love you Beatrice Eaton," I say. I kiss her forhead, letting tears escape my eyes. Right this time is when she would would reasure me that she'll be with me no matter what- never leave me. I wait to hear her voice say something like that, but nothing.
"Please," I sob. My whole tough guy look is disappearing. Well, the only thing saying different is my tears. But Tris had once told me that she thought that it took a brave man to cry in front of the one he loved. I agree.
I lean back in my seat and close my eyes, letting sleep brang me in. Its not good, buy its still sleep.

AU: 😦😈😭🐨. Please comment your thoughts and ideas for later chapters. Be brave 🔪🔪🔪

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