My Fault

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Tris's POV
I'm happy that Tobias got over what I said. We can enjoy this now. I go down stairs and see him outside on the balcony, hands shaking. I can't help but think that I caused him to be like this. I got kidnapped and he started drinking alot.
I slowly make my way over to him. I take his hands in mine. He looks down into my eyes. I know that he's having trouble with not drinking and he hasn't really beem able to focus on that because of the flashbacks and shit. I need to be strong for him.
I wrap my arms around his waist and look up. "Do you want to talk about it?" I ask. He knows exactly what I'm talking about. He looks away, then nod.
We go into the living room and sit down next to each other. "Your hands are still shaking," I state. I'm still holding them in mine, hoping that they will stop.
"They do that now," he tells me. I look at him so that he will containue. "Its not easy. I was becoming an alcoholic. I couldn't go a day without a beer or something like that. I would get to the point where I would stumble to the couch and sleep. I couldn't sleep in the bed. I feared that I was becoming like my father, and that scared me. To calm myself down, I drank. The day Zeke walked into the apartment, I was lucky that I had only had one at the time. Now, my hands shake and ny mind isn't working the same way. I get irritated easily with myself. My hands, when they shake, it hurts-"
"Say you were just going to have one drink, would that help?" I ask. As soon as he said that it hurt when they shook, I didn't aee another option.
"Probably, but I'm not gonna do that," he tells me. "I'll get through this as long as your with me to hold me back." I rest my hands on either sides of his face. We lean in and kiss.
"I'm not going anywhere.".............

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