Sicky Tobias

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I need to talk to Tobias about what happened. We need to be honest with each other and thats not going so good on my part. Something happened while I was kidbnapped. I can't keep him in the dark. It kills me.
Eating the dinner that I attempted to cook Tobias sneezes. Our eyes meet. "Are you okay?" I ask. He nods but them starts to cough. I raise a brow, making him look anywhere but me. I stand up.
Tobias gets really pale. He get up and runs to the bathroom. And you know how fast he runs. I go after him, following him to the bathroom. He kneels down and throws up. I go in, sit on the ground, and rub my hands up and down his back. Its bare so his tattoo is exposed to me. He's sick.
"Tobias, baby, are you okay?" He tries nodding but goes back to throwing up. "Tobias are you done throwing up?" He nods.
I let him lean on me as I bring him to the bedroom. He lays down and frowns at me. "I'm sorry you have to see me like this. Your not supposed to," he says.
I lay down next to me, but at a good distance. "Yes I was. Threw sickness and health right?" He grins weakly.
"Yeah," he says. I want so badly to kiss him, but then I'll get sick. He turns to he's laying on his back, exposing his collarbones(au I have thing for collar bones with guys. Don't judge), chest, sick packed abs, and V line that leads to-
I hope he gets better soon.

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