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I slid myself along the floors of the house , wearing on my feet just socks. It was actually quit fun , and a great way to pass the time .

"Madeline!" A familiar girls voice echoed off the Hollow walls .


"Ugh , what is it ?" I asked stopping in the middle of the room as she entered

"Have you seen , Nik-"

"Looking for me " he smiled walking out from behind me

"Actually , yes but then again no " she stated , placing her hand on her hip .

"Oh stop fussing , what is it " he stated

"Nothing , I came to get Madeline " she said

I turned around "for what ?" I asked in utter confusion

"Dress shopping " she stated smiling a little .

"For ?" I dragged it out

"A homecoming dance " she smiled

"And you need me because .." I trailed off looking at Klaus . He chuckled

"She fancies the human things you should know that"

I shrugged "I actually need , her for a serious matter bec, so run along " klaus instructed

"Fine" she huffed "I will ask Elena " she added speeding off

I turned around "serious matter ?" I asked raising  a brow 

"Ah yes , Kol , he's a bit unavailable at the moment " he nodded smiling

He daggerEd  him again . I would undagger him - but I can't touch the coffins . No matter how hard I try- no magic works . So I gave up on it , in the earlier 21's .

"Okay .. Why do you need me ?" I asked
Taping my foot out of boredom

"I need you to flood a gym for tomorrow night " he smiled "I would do it myself , but I need to prepare a speech "

I snickered "a gym ? Really Niklaus " I laughed and then stopped "sorry I thought I would get to kill someone "

"Kill whomever gets in your way , love "

I smiled " I wonder how Caroline would feel about this " I spoke aloud , knowing he has a soft spot for the girl .

"I could care less about Mrs.forbes  problems " he stated coldly

I shrugged "what time do you need it flood for ?" I asked

Letting thoughts  dance around my head.
"Whenever , as long as it's before anyone arrives, I'll be sure to let Tyler know "

Tyler was the werewolf klaus , was experimenting on for his hybrid plan .

I nodded " so the experiment at the high school went well then"

They did that experiment a week ago I think .

he nodded 'Well I guess threatening the life of their friend , made the issue become attainable " I smirked

"always aiming to please the people aye?" I chuckled noting my sarcasm.

He grinned devilishly . Before speaking "it's what I do "

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