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{K O L}

Beginning of the event

I made my way over to mayor Lockwood interrupting her conversation with -Damien , Damon -

I could care less , honestly . If the name doesn't stick - why put in the effort to remember it .

I smiled holding out my hand she took it and I kissed the back before speaking
The words I had to memorize .

" Mayor Lockwood. We haven't formally met. Kol Mikaelson. I hope your lovely town embraces us just as much as we plan to embrace"

She smiled looking back at The Salvatore

He outstretched his hand and I stared at it

"Damon Salvatore , have we met ?"

I put my hand in my pocket smirking
"I've met a lot of people and you don't particularly stand out " I spoke amusingly before walking off

I stared at the entrance , waiting for -looking for no one in particular .

When Madeline walked through the door wearing a white dress .

She came in and was searching around , until she appeared to have given up and began walking straight until she tripped .

And out of instinct I sped over catching her

Smirking to myself as she looked up
I kissed her hand

"Kol Mikaelson " I introduced myself

She smiled "Madeline " she replied softly

"Thanks for catching me " she chuckled

I smiled "I guess you literally fell for me , darling " I winked and walked away to accompany Niklaus .

"Kol." He greeted nodding his head

The clinking off a glass made us all turn are attention to Elijah as we made are way on the stairs

"Welcome, thank you for joining us. You know, whenever my mother brings our family together like this, it's tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes .

He smiled before adding "Tonight's pick is a centuries-old waltz, so if all of you could please find yourselves a partner, please join us in the ballroom.

My eyes stayed on Madeline as I made my way over to her

"Care to dance darling " I smirked as she rolled her eyes taking my hand

"Seeing as your the only available candidate " She said , obviously trying to hide the fact that she wanted to dance with me

"You think that's a coincidence, sweetheart?" I asked smirking

She raised a brow "now don't judge I have not danced in a while" She spoke as the music began

"A while? Don't you mean a few centuries " i laughed lightly spinning her around and pulling her back

"Oh shut it " She said her blue eyes  staring into my brown ones

"You're dancing pretty , well for someone who hasn't danced in a century " I said looking away

She glared at me.

Spinning her over to Damon , as a random girl was brought into my Arms , I smiled politely , fighting the urge to rip her in half .

The song ended

As I walked over to Rebekah "where's your date ?" I asked raising a brow

"Flirting with his ex" she grumbled

"You've changed bekAh. You know settling for mortals is the first sign of weakness " I grinned , taking a drink off of a tray .

She unslumped herself "I'm not settling . I brought him here to kill him , he's Elena's friend. He dies she suffers but I've already been scolding once , so I was hoping you'd help your baby sister out " she asked smiling at me

"And spit right in the face of mothers rules?" I smiled " I'm in "

A few moments later I follow her into the foyer

"I'm itching to kill something . What are we waiting for ?" I asked getting impatient

She sighed "the mayor cornered me . Give me fifteen minutes to lure Matt outside ." She said

I frowned
"Outside ? What's wrong with right here on the stairs ? Make a spectacle of it " I smirked

Her eyes because full of irritation
"You sound like an idiot ,Kol mother would kill you if you ruined her party . See you outside !" She said before walking off

I began walking off to sense a disturbed
Presence .

I scanned the crowd and my eyes landed on Madeline . Standing with her eyes closed .

I made my way over and touched her forearm

"Somethings not right ..." She mumbled before

She pulled away confused looking around

"Your not safe " she spoke on alert .

I chuckled pulling her aside
"What do you mean ?" I asked

She pulled me into a hug "don't tell the others " she said

"Somethings wrong , don't trust your mother , if you need to tell someone tell Elijah I can sense his suspicions ." SHe rambled getting ready to leave

"Why are you telling me an not the others " I asked amused

She began to leave before mumbling a

"You'll know soon enough "

I shook my head and headed outside sitting atop of a car

As Rebekah and Matt came outside

He pulled out a jacket and placed it around her . She smiled and looked around

Before saying something , they went back inside .

I smirked to myself "not settling ?" I mumbled heading back in to have a chat with dear , Rebekah .

I approached Rebekah from under the Stairs

"There you are . I was waiting outside for you . Where's Matt?" I asked

She stuttered "about that ... I, uh I changed my mind I don't want to ruin mothers night "

"Don't tell me you like this boy. What did he do? He gave you five seconds of his attention? " I signed " Don't be so predictable Rebekah"

"You don't have to be rude about it , just leave him be okay "

She stampeded off .

I smiled crookedly

" as you wish sister "

I watched as Matt walked past the balcony , I whispered his name

He came out and looked around
Is he and idiot ?

When he turned back again to face the balcony I smiled

"Good evening . You're Rebekah's friend . We haven't met " I said nodding my head

"Matt Donavan " he said wearily

"Kol Mikaelson " I replied

He shook my hand , as I tightened my grip smiling at the sound of cracking bones

"Ahh" he grunted falling to the floor I turn

To see Damon walking in

"Hey,hey,hey!" He said

"Go easy on the hand , guys a quarter back" he spoke

Before shoving me off of the balcony , and jumping ontop of me

Then he snapped my neck

That son of a -

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