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"I'll take Tristan, you take lucien" niklaus instructed , nodded at Elijah before motioning me to release the anxious strix.

I shoved him backward before letting him go , "it's my pleasure " I mumbled eyeing Freya and Hayley .

"Ah Hayley , Freya - you two can take care of her I presume ?" I asked fangs still flashed .

Freya's grin was all I needed for a confirmed 'yes' .

I pushed the memories of the event away as I focused on everyone down below enjoying a family Christmas .

Even Camille was here , everything for once was right , and lovely .

"Why're you hiding up here love , come join the party " Rebekah's familiar and unforgettable voice echoed from beside me .

"Join the party ? Well will you do me the honour" I spoke grinning like and idiot arm out stretched . After tonight she'd descend , she'd run .

She chuckled before linking our arms as we hurdled down the steps.

My eyes immediately found little hopes , and I smiled .

As I approached her , I blew in the formation of a kiss as little white wolves formed in mid air , running around her .

She smiled , touching each one as they disappeared and re formed .

"Madeline?" I glanced away and spun around to find Cami .

I grinned opening up my arms , she smiled in return "I didn't take you as a hugger?" She asked still embracing me tightly . As if I could vanish at any moment , or as if she would .

"Well my love, you are an exception " I chuckled letting go and crossing my arms .

"It's good to see you, Camille "

She sighed , and nodded
"You as well "

It was then that I sensed her trouble mind , and distracted scent - at the Same moment I smelt a different fragrance.

"What's giving you trouble ?" I questioned immediately , caring about the blonde .

"Just everything , being human in the middle of vampire business" she chuckled dryly sipping from her wine glass.

I nodded remembering when I was Human , how defenceless I felt - times have changed.

"I'll be right back" I whispered , speeding upstairs before returning back beside the blond .

"Merry Christmas" I spoke handing over a long dark green box .

"What-?" She questioned setting down her glass .
"Just open it " I sighed pushing it closer to her , hesitantly she took it .

Peeling off the top she pulled out a rose gold bracelet with a three little charms .

"Each charm represents strength built from weakness " I began , as I fixated it around her wrist .

I looked into her eyes , just to get my point across .

"You may be human Camille , but your words are strong - you have a great  mental strength , and I'd say that's pretty darn -" I side  glanced  at niklaus from across the room .

She sucked in a breath before nodding , I nodded once more before adverting my gaze .

"Merry Christmas" I whispered just loud enough so every supernatural being could hear .

I descended up the steps quick and momentarily unnoticed.

"Running away from gifts was never your specialty" niklaus chuckled from behind me .

I shook my head speeding into the closest chair . Arms out stretched, a soft grin on my face "and to most you're incapable of love , but yet here we are " .

He nodded a soft grin finding a place on his face as well "here we are..." he quoted me .

"Nik go to her , take a chance . You might have forever but moments don't"
I said standing up , expressing the word moments purposely.

He smiled quickly as his facial expression calmed "Thank you" he slowly backed up

"My pleasure" I chuckled bowing .

"Be safe !" I shouted immediately after .

After he left I became silent re taking my seat by the window . Taking in the scenery in slow motion .
The snow , the smiling faces , the laughter , happiness .

I don't know who to be .I'm a weapon , I'm power , I'm a friend/ family.

But I'm also forever , and forever is an awful long time .

A/N: What do you guys think will happen next? I'm curious on your thoughts .

Thank you for liking the story so far💕

Backup account : Tragicdarling

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