Where's my drugs

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Laurens POV

Me, Justin, Big Rob and the rest of the crew have been waiting for the delivery of the new drugs for the past 2 weeks, if they don't hurry their fucking asses I'm gonna kill the whole of their fucking team. I swear down if I lose money cause of their idiotic actions their death will not come fucking lightly either!

"Lauren are you still stressing about the deal?" Camila said stroking my head whilst it was on her lap and i was smoking a spliff sometimes passing her so she could do some drags. Yes Camila smokes, she has done for the past 10 years, she was 10 when she started smoking.

" Yes we have been waiting 2 weeks for the fucking stuff to arrive and not even call to tell us that they were gonna be late with the fucking delivery, and i swear to god if i don't get my drugs and my money im gonna go on a fucking killing spree," I growled.

"Lauren calm down baby, seriously nothing is gonna happen, your Lauren for fuck sake, no one would dare try and get cocky with you or your crew," Camila told me taking the spliff away from me and put it in her mouth, she always calms me down, makes me see sense, "Come on," she said getting up and taking my hand and dragging me somewhere.

"Camz baby where u taking me?"

"Somewhere where you can let out ALL your anger out," She said seductively and smirked dragging me towards the bedroom.

I like where this is going.

Justin's POV

My patience is growing thin with this deal, seriously its been 2 weeks, I don't know how Lauren is fucking dealing with this but imma guy who needs his drugs, and his money.

"Baby, stop worrying about the deal okay, Lauren will sort it out, she always does, trust her," My girl said stroking my cheek and smiling, she pecked my lips and pulled back. This girl has been my ride and die for the past year and a half, and when i found out what happened to her by that Wilmer guy, i was more then happy to fucking help Lauren kill the guy.

Yes. My girl is the one and only Demi Lovato, I have known her literally my whole life. I love her so much, and if anyone touches her i will fucking kill them, no hesitation.

"But its been 2 weeks  Demi and we need this deal, this drug will be huge and we can make tonnes of money off of it," I sighed throwing myself onto the bed pulling her with me making her cuddle into me.

"I know how important this is to Lauren, you and the crew J but don't you think you should stop worrying and let Lauren work, having you stress over her deal will only worry her about your well being, you worrying and getting sick with the condition your already in is not Healthy Justin, just lay back a little okay, Lauren will sort this out," Demi said tracing the lines of my tattoos on my chest with her nail. She was right, me worrying about this deal will only make my health worse and i don't want another trip down the hospital. Not after what happened last time.....

Emily's POV

Ever since i became part of the crew when i was 16 its been great, i have tonnes of money, i have 3 cars, and a girlfriend i love so much. Alison is the best girlfriend you could ask for, she showers me with love.

Laurens deal isn't here yet and it was supposed to cone 2 weeks ago, and we all know how Lauren gets when she is mad, especially when someone fucks her over on a deal. She will fucking kill them quite literally.

"Baby, come back to bed," Alison said from the living room doorway in her black laced underwear. I gulped and looked her up and down.

"Don't have to tell me twice," I said taking her hand. I love Lauren to pieces but I can not turn down my sexy girlfriend asking for sex.

Laurens POV

After me and Camila were done and slept for the past 4 hours cuddling, i grabbed my phone and called the dealer Rico.

"Rico, where the fuck are my drugs?"

"Lauren I'm so sorry the delivery has had a mix up."

"Rico i don't fucking care about the mix ups, get me my fucking drugs or your whole crew fucking pays for it!" I hung up on him and threw my phone and then crawled back into bed with Camila, "I love you baby," i whispered kissing her forehead.

Sorry its a short chapter, my laptop is broken so im updating on my phone. Have a nice night/ day. Byeeeee.



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