Teach me

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I am legit sooooo inconsistent with my updates. Tbh I haven't felt like updating but today I thought I'd be nice and try and do as many stories as I can today 😂 Have a good day guys x
Lauren's POV

What can be the perfect date. And when I say perfect I mean PERFECT. It has to be for a girl like Camila she deserves it, she deserves the best. Fuck it. I pick up my phone and quickly ring Justin, no answer. 'Son of a bitch' I mumble, I ring again. And hallelujah there's a fucking voice on the other end.
"Justin, my house in 10," I say in a tone which meant business, and this is business, this date is downright serious and it is everything right now.

"So you dragged me out of bed, just so that I can help you plan the perfect date for Camila?" He asked a bit annoyed.

The look on my face turned from a smile to a glare as I looked at him.
"This is not 'just' a date Justin, this date has to be perfect, I've never been on a date before because I've been too caught up in what we do. Camila deserves better I know, but she chose me and she deserves perfection. After everything she's been through and everything she's going to go through in the future because of our 'business' it's the least she deserves," I say a bit emotionally my voice cracking a little bit, this is a side of me that Justin barely ever sees, he looks at me a bit shocked but nodded his head nonetheless agreeing to help me.
"Lauren where are you taking me? I've been blindfolded and you've been driving for hours" Camila wined trying to get a peak at the bottom of the blindfold.
I laughed at her and stop the car finally arriving at the destination, I look out my window and I see that It's all set up and ready to go. Luckily the suns still out so we can watch the sunset.
"Okay baby we are here. But. You can not take off the blindfold before I say. I want today to be special and a surprise," I say sweetly making her swoon. She nodded and waited for me to open her car door.
"Right only a few more steps and I'll take it off... and we are here" I say excited whilst taking off her blindfold, and what she saw made her gasp and cover her mouth with her hands.
Her view was a private lake of mine (HUGE lake in fact) and just at the little dock there's a yacht that's decorated in twinkly lights as well as the trees are on the land. On the water there are little leap pads with lights on them floating around to make a beautiful scene. I smile at her and take her hand leading her to the yacht, she looks around still taking it all in and then she looks at me.
"Lauren, you didn't have to do all this baby, but thank you it's beautiful, and I know this must have taken you ages to do, this is amazing," she says looking at me with little love heart eyes. On the outside I'm being all and collective at her words, on the inside, there are butterfly's going, my nerves just went from 1000-10000000000, and my love just got a little bit deeper for her.
"I would do anything for you, you deserve perfection, so that's what I tried to create, the perfect date for the perfect girl," I say shyly, blushing deeply, I looked away cause I didn't want her seeing me blush cause she would just tease me.

"Aww are you blushing?!" See. I told you.
She turned my face and kissed me deeply and softly on the lips for 2 seconds.
"Thank you Lauren. This means everything to me," she says looking me dead serious in the eye, but smiling a little cause when doesn't Camila smile?
An hour went by and we are sat at the front of the yacht watching the sunset with champagne in our hands. I took this moment to look at Camila and truly admire her beauty, her flawless jawline, with her perfect lips that are so inviting, her amazing skin tone that just goes with anything, her cheekbones that just make her look like perfection. She is perfection. She turns to look at you and asks with her facial features what you're looking at.
"I love your face, I love everything about you. Which is why I got you this," I reached down beside me and pull out a small cube box into view, Camila gasped again, "this is a promise ring, you know that when it comes to this life that there are dangers, there are risks. And I'm willing to protect you as much as possible. And that's a promise. So Camila Cabello, do you accept this promise ring?" I ask nervously, the nerves beginning to make me feel like I was going to vomit.
"I do, but you have to promise me one more thing," she said seriously. I look at her waiting for her to continue, "you teach me how to fight, fist fighting, guns, the lot, I want to be able to know that when you're hurt I can help, I can be there to protect you too, not just you with me."

I started to think about it, and the possibilities. Not only will it ensure her safety but isn't it a hot thought to be fighting with you're extremely hot girlfriend? Just seeing her with a gun or fighting is enough to get me going, it's like a cooler version then Mr and Mrs Smith only without all the problems in between the fighting. It will reassure me that she knows how to defend herself if she is alone, I can teach her everything I know. Get Justin, Emily and everyone else to help. She will be unstoppable.

"Okay. I will teach you everything you need to know." I say seriously, but then smile and slip the ring on her finger, "right, now let's start right now," I say grabbing a gun out my pocket and taking off the safety whilst smirking at her. She smiles and takes the fun out of my hand and fires.
Thank you everyone. I know FINALLY and update 😂 hope you enjoyed this short chapter

Skye x

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