She's Gone.

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"Get me another jug of water," Lauren demanded Zayn, "Justin tie his ankles down tighter, they're getting loose."

Justin complied immediately, Lauren ignored the mans screams as she chucked the last jug on the floor and waited impatiently for Zayn to bring the next jug full. As soon as he returned with one she glared at him and slammed her free hand on the guys throat tightly and tilted his head up that was covered in a cloth and angrily poured the jug of water on his face making sure his airways are just breathing in water, filling up his lungs. Drowning. She let go of his throat and stared emotionally at his body laying there flailing around the table trying desperately to get air, luckily his arms and ankles are tied to the table.

When his body went lifeless Lauren smirked and removed the cloth off his face, she noticed his eyes were red and his face went pale white. Weirdly it gave her an amazing feeling inside. She ripped his t-shirt and asked Justin to hand her the knife. Once he gave her it she carved one word on to his chest.


"Zayn cover him and this place in gasoline. You know the drill," she said sternly still looking at his motionless body with disgust.

All three of them walk out of the building with no regret showing on their faces. They got into Lauren's car and as soon as the last door closed she sped off watching the building burn in her rearview mirror with a straight face until it was finally out of sight.


"Not now J. I don't want to talk about it," she said sternly, gripping the steering wheel until her knuckles are white.

She stopped and dropped Justin and Zayn off at Justin's house and she sped off without so much as a goodbye.

Tears started clouding her eyes as she looked at the road.

*"Mummy what's wrong?" A confused 3 year old Lauren walked in to living room at 3am rubbing her eyes tiredly, "who are these men?"

Lauren's mum looked at her with tears streaming down her face, she sniffed and bent down to Lauren's height.
"Lolo, Something has happened to Daddy, some bad people got him, and nobody knows where he is."

"What do you mean?! Where is he?! Where is my daddy?!" Lauren wailed and started screaming and crying.

"Baby girl calm down, these men are here to try and find him, to help us," she said trying to hold on to the 3 year old who's trying to figure out what is happening.*

Lauren got out the the car in anger. Walking though her house downstairs into her home gym where there's a punching bag. She strips into her sports bra and her boxers not caring if they're not the right clothing and starts hitting the bag.

*Lauren at 10 walked in to the house one night after hanging out with Justin, her father was away at work, he was a contractor and he worked for some high profiles, drug dealers. He owned his company and he never let out the fact that the clients they were drug dealers, gang members.
"Mum! I'm home!" She shouted making her presence known. All of sudden she heard a load of cursing words and a load of banging on the floors. Instinctively thinking her mums in danger she grabs her pocketknife and runs up the stairs. Suddenly her mums bedroom door opens and there's a man running out in basically nothing, she watches him quickly run down the stairs in shock, she then turns to her mum who has a sheet wrapped around her, her hair all messed up.


"Who was that?" She said in disgust.

"Nobody. Lauren you will not tell your father about this. This will destroy him, you don't want to hurt your father do you?" Clara begged and manipulated.

"If you care about dads feelings so much. Then you shouldn't have done this. But I won't tell him, but know that I hate you and always will for doing this." Lauren scolded and stormed off to her bedroom slamming her door, leaving behind a bewildered Clara who was sat on the edge of her bed with her hand over her mouth.*

Lauren punches the bag harder and harder. The anger pouring out in every punch she's throwing. She was so focused on the punching bag that she didn't notice the blood dripping out of her knuckles from punching too hard and bare handed.

* "No Lauren, Stop!"

"NO! You told me that this was the last time MOM! I have believed you time and time again, but not this time. You either tell Dad tonight. Or I will before dinner."

"No Lauren you can't this will break him," Clara begged her chasing after her around the house.


Clara looked over her daughters shoulder and tears immediately started filling her eyes. Lauren followed her gaze and saw her dad standing in the doorway, she knew he had heard what she had said, his face looked broken. Lauren tore her eyes away from his and she excused herself away from the situation knowing it's between her dad and so called mother, she only went to her room so she could hear her parents arguing downstairs, so she snuck outside by climbing out her window and going to Justin's. When she got back at 10pm she saw that her whole house had been turned upside down, there was glass on the floor because of broken photo frames, and glasses that were probably thrown around. Lauren looked around to see if she could see anyone in the house, she walked upstairs and noticed that her dads closet was empty, everything of his was gone. He left her. Alone. With the bitch that ruined the family. 

Lauren shook her head and and ran to her room to start packing. If he leaves, She leaves. She sat and wrote a note to her mother. A very harsh letter, she left it on the kitchen island and left. And never turned back*

Camila came down to see Lauren punching the bag like it was her worst enemy, she quickly hurried over when she saw blood and her girlfriend crying. Lauren quickly snapped out of her daze when she felt Camila wrap her arms around her whispering sweet things in her ear trying to soothe her.

Lauren stared blankly at the wall when her and Camila pulled away with tears dripping down her face.

"She's dead Camz. My mom is dead. She was murdered because someone wanted to get to ME. I caught him. And oh god did I enjoy killing that bastard, but I keep having flashbacks. Do you know what the last thing I said to my mother?" Lauren said with no emotion, Camila just sat there and listened, because that's what Lauren needed right now, "I wrote her a note calling her every name under the sun. But the last thing I physically said to her was that shes a whore and she needs to stop opening her legs to every guy that gives her the slightest bit attention. What kind of daughter says that to her mother and leaves her the same day that my dad did? yes she made mistakes. A lot. But she was still my mother. And as much as I wanted to hate her for everything she did to our family, I still loved her because she was the most loving person in the world, she gave me everything  and all I had to do was ask. And I repaid her by calling her a whore and walking out on her, leaving her with no one."

Camila wrapped her arm around Lauren and let her cry in her shoulder. She's never seen Lauren so vulnerable before and she didn't know how to handle it. She just is going to be there for her whenever she needed. Because she loves her.  


Hey, long time no update ha. So sorry just had a lot going on right now and writing didn't even come close on my list for what I needed to do. Anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter, I'll try and update more during the week.

Skye x

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