Just A Dream

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*beep* *beep* *beep*

That's all they heard whilst they sat and waited for her to wake up. Lauren sat there with tears threatening to leave her eyes, Justin sat there with his head in his hands feeling guilt and the sadness twist in his stomach, Camila with her eyes closed hoping that this was all a dream that she wanted to wake up from, Demi crying lightly and silently as they look at the girl on the bed, and Alison. The girl clenching the girl in the beds left hand playing with the engagement ring on Emily's hand, the one she only gave to her hours prior to the incident.

*The incident*

They were all at Lauren's house having a small get together to celebrate the engagement of Emily and Alison, or Emison as they call them both. They all made ship names for each other, Lauren and Camila= Camren, Justin and Demi= Justemi, Emily and Alison= Emison. They were the tight close people out of the gang, of course there were more people, but Lauren doesn't trust them as much as she does with these people, right now, in her living room, having a few drinks to celebrate a very important time.

"I want to say a few things," Lauren said softly standing up unwrapping herself from Camila in the process, she looks at Emily and smiles, "Emily I have known you since you were 15 years old, well a bit longer then that but that's besides the point, ever since then you have been a weakness to me, someone I wouldn't dare want to lose, ever since I rescued you from that bastard I vowed to myself to keep you safe. So I taught you everything you needed to know so that one day when you did get old enough you could be independent cause i knew you wouldn't need me anymore. You have come so far in not only the gang but with relationships, friendships, life. And I'm more then sure you will protect Alison with your life, just like I do with Camzi, with all of you even if you don't want or need me to. Emily I consider you my family, you're like the little sister I've never had, I love you to pieces and if anything happened to you i would be lost. You're a huge part of my life, and it would be nothing without you in it. I wish you and Alison the best of the future," Lauren said emotionally looking at Emily showing her that she meant every single word she said, Emily s seriously her family.

Emily stood up and hugged Lauren and thanked her, "Thank you for everything you have done for me Lauren, you helped me when no one else would, you were there through the most difficult stage in my life, when i feared death by a bastard that took my family away from me. But in the making, he created a family i can't live without, he gave me you and I wouldn't change a thing. You too Justin, I love you so much and thank you."

Justin smiled and nodded going in for a hug, "Anything for you kiddo."

Emily smiled and looked around her and admired what she had, money, a good job, an amazing fiancee, a family, a place to call home. She IS home.

All of a sudden the moment was ruined by gun shots smashing Lauren's massive glass windows causing all of the to ump into action, even Camila. They all took cover and the shots kept coming, what they couldn't see what that Emily was shot, in the left abdomen, she sat in cover trying to cover up the fact that she was shot but she was losing a lot of blood and it was making her woozy. Lauren looked at her with worry and stared shooting back and told everyone to keep firing and kill the bastards as her and Alison ran to Emily trying to keep her conscious.

"No No Emily baby keep your eyes open, stay with me baby please," Alison cried as she shook Emily's head gently, she was trembling with fear that she could lose the love of her life, she tried desperately to keep her awake whilst Lauren's hands were shaking with fear as she tried to put pressure on the wound, there was so much blood. Lauren meant what she said, she will be lost if she loses Emily.

Suddenly everything went silent. Gun shots stopped. The sound of glass crashing against the floor stopped. Everyone rushed to get Emily into Lauren's car and speed her to the hospital because an ambulance will be too slow and by the time they get their she could be dead. Lauren cried just at the thought, and she stepped on the accelerator getting to the hospital as fast as her car can take her.

"HELP! HELP! PLEASE SHE'S BEEN SHOT!" Lauren screamed as she got into the emergency room carrying a dying Emily in her arms. Nurses rushed towards her giving Emily immediate care, Lauren collapsed on the floor shaking as sobs overtook her body, suddenly arms are wrapped around Lauren and she knew instantly that Camila was there. She cried and trembled in Camila's arms as Camila cried along with her. She has never seen Lauren like this, none of them have, it just proves to them that Lauren loves Emily like no other, that she loves them all.


Its been two hours now and Lauren has done all the pacing, getting coffee, sat there and bit her nails nervously waiting for a doctor to come and tell her what is happening. But no doctor showed. She has gone through all the moods, from a sobbing wreck to being extremely pissed off, until finally a doctor showed.

He told them that the bullet was removed fine and that she was fine. But she was in a coma. Lauren felt her heart physically break at the news and she sat down staring at nothing. like she was numb. He then told them that they were all allowed to see her and that she is able to hear all around her but she isn't able to respond.

*beep* *beep* *beep*

That's all they heard whilst they sat and waited for her to wake up. Lauren sat there with tears threatening to leave her eyes, Justin sat there with his head in his hands feeling guilt and the sadness twist in his stomach, Camila with her eyes closed hoping that this was all a dream that she wanted to wake up from, Demi crying lightly and silently as they look at the girl on the bed, and Alison. The girl clenching the girl in the beds left hand playing with the engagement ring on Emily's hand, the one she only gave to her hours prior to the incident.

All of a sudden their attention is at the heart monitor which speeds up and then slows down ever so slowly until it reaches a flatline. 

Lauren is the first to scream. 



Lauren jolts up from her sleep sweat dripping down her forehead, her shirt drenched in sweat. 

"Baby you're okay, it was just a dream," Camila says softly trying to calm down the other girls breathing. 

"But it felt so real Camzi, I felt my heart break."

Camila looks at Lauren softly, and strokes her face and wipes the hairs that are sticking to Lauren's face, "Dreams are a trick made by our imagination, they make you think they are real to scare, our imagination is the most dangerous thing to a person. It's tricks can turn you crazy, or ill, nobody is going anywhere baby, and that's a promise, no one is leaving you, we are here always."

"Forever and always?" Lauren says cutely yawning. This makes Camila giggle and hold out her pinky, Lauren smiled and wrapped her pinky around Camila's and kissed her thumb just as Camila kissed hers to seal their promise. They both shared a small soft peck and cuddled and Lauren fell asleep feeling safe in her girls arms.


Finally getting more consistent with my updates for this story, Others i need to think more, I have a lot planned for this story so this will be the one i am going to update the most. Hope you enjoyed and have a good day/night People :)

Skye x

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