keep your hands to yourself

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Laurens POV

Another night, Camila by my side celebrating absolutely nothing but amazing friendship with everyone else. Well that's what I thought anyways. So this is what went down last night.

*Last night*

Justin and I were just dealing with a little business in the club office sorting through everything we had to in order to get the best drugs we could get.

"Lauren if we take a deal from them it can be dodgy, I don't think you should take it, the amount of times I have heard that the drugs they deal have poisons and bad toxins in is unreal." I nod and agree with him, i cross them off the list. Right so that leaves us with Carlos' clan.

"Looks like we have what we need, just need to get in touch with Carlos I guess. But first we have left our girls downstairs with everyone, fucking drunk ass guys, we might wanna go check on that," I say walking out the room already to go check on Camila. Justin followed me down but we stand at the top of the stairs were there is a floor over looking the whole club. We spot Demi and Camila dancing together minding there own business with their beers in their hands. I laugh when I see Camila grinding on Demi, but that laugh turned into a growl when I see two guys stand behind the girls and touch them. Camila immediately turned around and smacked one around the face and Demi pushed the other one off her, they were bout to go and hit my girl but luckily I got there before that could happen, I watched both the guys eyes widen in fear as I approached.

'Good' I thought to myself. Justin followed me just as pissed that someone tried to even touch Demi and Camila. I pushed the guy that Camila smacked on to the floor and Justin punched the one that touched Demi around the jaw and smiled when he watched him hit the floor.

"Yo Drake toss me the mic will ya?!" I yelled to our DJ, bout time I teach these dickheads who's boss and who not to disrespect. Drake threw me the mic and I yelled in it getting every bodies attention.

"What is my number one rule in this club?!" I look around the whole club and smile when they all say it simultaneously.
"Not to touch your girl."
"Then why the fuck do you guys think it's acceptable to touch my girl?" I growl into the mic looking at the guys on the floor.

I never got an answer so I hit the man that touched Camila around the face with the mic.

"I'm waiting for my answer dickhead," I grit through my teeth as I get closer to his face, I was about to hit him again but I felt someone take my hand in there's and tell me they're not worth it, "Count yourself lucky, cause next time I see you and you even touch my girl you're fucking dead got it?"
The pussy nodded and grabbed his friend and ran out the club. I raise the mic to my mouth and shout.
I toss the mic back to Drake and let him continue with the music and shit before I made my way back to the VIP area with my girl on my arm soothing my anger by rubbing her thumb in circles on the back of my hand. I look down at the actions and smile warmly, she is the only girl who can make me feel like this, the only girl who can make me open up, the only girl who has my heart. And I plan to keep her in my life forever, I'd rather shoot myself then lose her. Tomorrow I planned a date for her, with business I never have the time to do these type of things so I want to show her how much she means to me and then right there I will ask her to officially be mine, my ride or die. I want her.
I look up into Camila's chocolate brown eyes and melt into them, she raises her hand up and cups my cheek as she leans in and kisses me on the lips softly. I do love Camila, but I do have my doubts, I'm in a gang, I kill people if they do me wrong, I sell and buy drugs for a living. I'm the leader of the biggest and most dangerous gang in all of America and I'm scared that she will get hurt or I will hurt her. And I don't want that, she's too innocent.

"Lauren? Are you okay?" Camila asks looking at me with concern snapping me out of my thoughts. I didn't even realise we stopped kissing until now.

"I'm fine Camila just thinking, would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow?" I ask waiting for her answer. I hope she says yes.

Hey sorry it's been a long time. But I get a laptop in 2 days time so hopefully more updates. Hope you liked the chapter.

Skye x

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