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The cool black cord dropped onto his bed with a small thud, Blaise looked up from his music, Screamo for the day and eyed his mother warily, “Hello, mother.”

Bless his heart, she pressed her hand to her own heart and grimaced at him, he has such a terrible Britt accent.

His head was reeling from the screamo music already; he could practically feel his hands reaching for his throat.

Shit, this tanks, immediately he snapped his laptop closed and enjoyed the silence that followed. He shivered and smiled, stretching and then pulling his knees up to his chest.

“Why are you so strange?” His mother asked with a hint of a smile.

“I thought that’s what we were supposed to be,” His teeth gleamed, “Strange people who cast spells, cut themselves and listen to strange music like,” he nodded at his laptop, “Screamo.”

“That’s all very nice and well dear, but shouldn’t you be busy studying?”

Studying? What is that? The twenty year old closed his eyes and pretended to sleep, emitting a loud snore to get the point across.

Allyn whipped her finger in the air just above his feet as he continued to snore, she then pointed up to the ceiling and uttered her spell.


There he was hanging in the air, his feet pointing up to the ceiling as an invisible string held him there. His head, or rather the tips of his curling red hair danced around his head as he hung, his shirt came next falling over his head and exposing a semi muscular physique as well as a pair of SpongeBob boxers. His arms, those long and skinny thing hung past his head, the tips of his fingers a foot away from his kingsized bed.

“What the hell mom?” He mumbled through the fabric of his black collared tee.

With another whirl of her finger and a quick whisper the invisible thread holding him to the ceiling broke and somehow he landed on his neck with his legs contorted in an uncomfortable angle, “You could have easily broke the string yourself. Have you even been practicing those spells like I told you?”

Before she had been joking, now she was irate, and rightfully so. How did her son, a wizard, expect to survive if he didn’t practice as he should have? Admittedly so he had been a horrible student at all of the summer camps for wizardry she had sent him off to. What is a wizard without practice?

A vulnerable man.

“Mom, this hurts, can you help me out?”

“Certainly,” Allyn flicked her wrist and snapped her fingers, another cloud appeared over Blaise’s head though he couldn’t see it, and preceded to rain.

“Aw mom,” He groaned as the water soaked through his shirt, his boxers and his mass of red hair.

Angry definitely, she left out without so much as word, she did however stomp and slam his bedroom door closed.

Still in his awkward position he said to the air more to her, “So you’re really not going to help me up?”


“And why the hell are you complaining?” Andrea sat on the hood of her car as Mara paced back and forth recounting the tale.

“He saw me naked! He raped me with his eyes! He, he, he,” She stumbled attempting to find the right words to bash his character so that Andrea would see what kind of monster he was.

Mara:A Charmed AffairWhere stories live. Discover now