13: Something Like Love

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Only one final to go and it just had to be the hardest in her life. Hell she wasn’t a math major, Pre-calculus to her was like a pile of cow manure, some crap she didn’t really want to get into. But thankfully she was at a place where the classmates ‘helped each other’ without getting caught. Desperate times called for desperate measures and at the sight of her old bedraggled professor nodding off over his ugly desk she hissed at the girl next to her, “What’s the answer for 24?”

The girl, the owner of a tremendously ugly weave job that consisted of umpteenth different colors and sizes gave her a ‘Nigga please’ look and went back to covering her paper with her arm.

Help a sista out!

She wanted to be like, ‘hey me and you are black so let’s help each other out.’ But looking at the girl again she knew that wasn’t going to fly.

It was amazing that she was the only girl on the kicks to following the ‘code of honesty’ because everyone else definitely were not. Heads turned this way and that, ducked and cocked to the side to watch the teacher andthe answers on the next persons paper. There was even a guy next to her scrolling through his phone for the answers.

As if that’s going to help.

She’d just as soon as beg for an Incomplete than to hope for some miracle dose of smartness to befall her. Things weren’t looking too good, and what was the point in sitting there waiting for the answers to fall out of midair? Mara sighed as her eyes darted around the semi dark room, it was huge, overflowing with nearly one hundred students, all of whom were pretty much looking at each other or whispering for the smartest person to give up the answers.

They were two kinds of stupid, if they had looked the test over closely then they would have realized that the professor Dr. Ebo had made a variation of four, number each one with either A,B,C or D. The idiots behind her finally realized that and sighed in frustration, “Damn man, we don’t have the same test!”

Uh Durgh!

The odds were against her, and since she sucked at cheating (seriously) she scooped up her bag, her nearly bare test and held her head up courageously high as she made her way to the front desk. Dr. Ebo barely glimpsed up at her as she handed the paper to him with a forced smile, once he was through she would have to talk to him about that Incomplete. From the looks on his face she could tell that he wasn’t really there to begin with, his already sleepy eyes were heavy lidded and she thought she caught a smidge of drool collecting at the corner of his large lips.


Mara cast one more sad look at the class before bustling out into the rain pouring down as if the floodgates of heaven had opened.

With school over and a whole month and a half to herself Mara was anything but happy. She still had the feeling that Alec would try for a repeat, thinking about that she badly wanted to scrub her tongue until she lost the ability to taste.

I-I can’t believe I allowed him to kiss me!

When she had relayed the situation to Andrea in a frenzy, her friend had simply chuckled and told her that it was her fault for playing hooky.

As if on cue her cellphone buzzed against her hip as she ducked under the heavy droplets of water, covering her head until she made it safely under the luminous roof of the education building. Sighing deeply and shaking the water from her dingy satchel bag she fell onto the stone steps and stretched her long legs out.

She relished the sight before her as her hand dug into her snug pockets and raised the phone slowly to her ear. The rain fell in sheets, clear daggers dived into the ground and splintered into tiny droplets that danced all over the earth. An Orchestra directed by Mother Nature herself came to life right there in the courtyard, the heart of the campus, the Central between the Student Center, Library, Education buildingand A&H building. It was like something she had seen before, when she had been younger and knew nothing of what she was or what she was meant to be. It was when she felt free enough to dance in the rain while others danced around her in coats of fur and four legs pounded against the wet Earth in celebration of the ultimate creator.

Mara:A Charmed AffairWhere stories live. Discover now