15: In The Dead Of Winter

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“But I don’t feel anything,” Mara held her arms out as if they would manifest within themselves the very abilities that Blaise accused her of. She bit her lip, hard enough to bring forth a tiny drop of blood as she concentrated on the pale things in front of her.

If she had all of these powers couldn’t she do something? Couldn’t se bring forth something unexplainable.

“Ahem,” Blaise coughed and shifted awkwardly on the floor where he sat just a few feet away from the very couch that Mara had perched herself on, “It doesn’t work that way.”

Mara shivered, tiny chills took over her body, but not from the cold outside. She just felt….lost, as if she’d finally found her comfort zone only to have it taken away from her.

She was pissed.

She was confused.

She was….lost

“And why not?” the question came out cracked and devoid of any kindness at all. It dripped of irritation and sored like dirt sprinkled against a fresh wound.

Blaise ran a shaky hand through his cherry curls and breathed out, wooosh, that very breath took whatever strength he had and all he could do was rest his elbows against his knees as his hands cradled his downcast head.

“Why not?” Mara demanded.

All she wanted to know was what the hell was going on and why, why on Earth everyone wanted to keep this big secret from her. She glowered at Blaise, bit her lip and tasted the metallic of the blood again as she glowered and glowered again. None of this mattered because Blaise was in his own thoughts.

How could he convince her that he was on her side? Her of all people. She had a temper like a Cheetah, she was ready to pounce on any and everything that appeared to be an affront to who she was.

With a sigh and another rub of his cheeks Blaise looked up,”Because it just doesn’t Mara. Can I get a little less shit from you and some form of gentle-loving-kindness?”

He was pissed too. He was tired. He’d spent the day rearranging his apartment and he was not in the mood for someone as unmoving as Mara. As much as he loved the girl her temperament had him about ready to pick her up and slam her down.

On a bed maybe.

He chuckled to himself, while Mara fumed within, “ Like hell I will. You know what? Fuck this, I’m out.”

She threw the pillow aside that she’d been resting her arms against on her lap and scrambled for her coat and boots.

“God, Mara. For one minute, can you just be calm?”

She was calm, she was…

But not right now.


Fine, whatever.

Blaise snapped the fingers on his right hand and twirled his index finger around.

“What the—“

Within an instant she was in the air, her blouse fell over her head and she would have been exposed completely save for the fitted tank top she wore underneath, that rode slightly down revealing only a bit of skin and her belly button.

With a lean back and a yawn Blaise rubbed his jaw and spoke, “You ready to listen now?”

Apparently she was, she spoke against the soft fabric of her shirt, “I don’t have a choice do I?”

“Not at all.”


Mara:A Charmed AffairWhere stories live. Discover now