10: AGameOfRisk

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“Crazy month huh?” Andrea shivered against the cold wind and attempted to smile though her lips were on the verge of cracking and bleeding. November had proved to be a some timey month when it came to weather, some days it would be fine with a slight breeze and some days it would be like it was now, cold and unmerciful.

The bushy haired girl squinted at the greying sky and watched with vague interest as black birds flew above. She knew it would only be a matter of time before the white flakes of snow would fall and cover everything in sight like the White Out she used whenever she felt like vandalizing some sad tree.

“Yeah,” She exhaled, breathed in and then focused her next exhalation on the long curl strand hanging in front of her face. She puffed out her cheeks though Andrea cast her a bemused expression and blew with all her might, “Aha!”

The curl flew up, twirled like a ribbon in the air and then fell back to its original position. Mara scowled and angrily tucked the unyielding strand behind her ear as Andrea guffawed. Mara was glad that one of them was in a good mood because she certainly wasn’t. Nothing seemed to be going right for her, then again nothing ever went right for her. Not only was she broke, but she had also gained five pounds, lost an insane amount of sleep and her face was mottled by pre-menstrual pimples.

Life was great!

“Couldn’t be better.” She grumbled outloud.

And then there was blaise, she hadn’t seen the bastard in over a week, she had a very strong feeling that he was ignoring her. How could she possibly go from seeing him daily to only being able to catch a glimpse of his hair as he rushed across the courtyard.

Psh, not that she cared or anything. He was merely a boy, someone who only helped her to ease the time when she was bored out of her mind. But still…

“Hey, what happened to your boy toy…Nick?”

Not that she cared about Andy Sixx either to be honest, she just felt the need to get a good conversation going and apparently he was Andreas latest attraction.

Andrea cocked her head to the side as she thought, her long thin fingers moved through her hair combing the silky strands before they fell against her red fitted sweater.

“He’s…” She searched for the perfect word in the palm of her hand as her eyes roved over the tan lines curving like the ones on a basket ball.Her smooth finger ran along the line and she continued as she spoke, “sweet……he’s cool.”

Vague much?

Mara prepared herself to hear the three words she had been waiting for since Rafe showed up shivering in his birthday suit a week before, ‘I miss Rafe’

Of course Mara couldn’t necessarily blame her, she had never really gotten close enough to a guy to be truly in love with him.There had been that one boyfriend and then a few guys who cut her off before things even got started, but for the most part she couldn’t understand the feeling. She said before that if she had ever been in Andreas shoes then she would have cut Rafe off the minute she suspected something was up, but she wasn’t Andrea, and she didn’t know.

“Blaise is so in love with you.”

She turned her head so fast that her neck popped, with a wince and quick rub she focused all of her attention on Andrea, “Why would you say that?”

After all she’d only seen Blaise twice right? And Mara had seen Blaise only five or six times, how had love managed to pop in?

“Mara, just promise me you’ll stay away from him…..guys like him…..they’re messed up ok?”

Mara:A Charmed AffairWhere stories live. Discover now