The Truth

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$ hey people, I'm with friends and school starts in like a few weeks and I'm trying to get this done for y'all hope you like it$

*Next day*

"Pearl do you think Connie now hates me?" Steven asked pear "why what did you say during your... Umm.. You know " Pearl said "some stuff, but what I said, do you think I hurt her.." Steven said looking down towards the floor, "she's your best friend she wouldn't hate you that easily, plus you'd make it up to her, you have special powers Steven" Pearl said as she started cleaning up the living room "should I talk to her?" Steven asked "well yes, what do you think?" "I think I should text her" Steven said grabbing his phone "oh no you don't it's better if you talk to her, trust me I know" Garnet said grabbing his phone and putting it in his pocket "i need to tell her I'm going over!" Steven claimed as he texted her ~Connie I'm coming over ok?~ the text read, *Bzzz* ~Sure ~ the reply said. "Good luck Steven" Pearl said washing the dishes.

"Why does Steven want to talk to me now, after, the incident." Connie said to herself in the mirror, "I just want to admit it to Steven but I can't! I'm too weak" Connie said crying on her bed "at least I can talk to him" she said crying KNOCK KNOCK "CONNIE!?" Steven yelled "Coming" Connie said back and ran to the door wiping her eyes before she opened it "Steven!" She said hugging him "ok?" He said as the both blushed "Connie I'm sorry" he said in a low voice "for what?" "Saying those things" he replied "Steven" she said looking concerned "it's fine, those here nice things and..." She said but being cut off by Steven hugging her tightly "I tough after I said that you'd never want to see me again" he said tearing up "Steven i-I I can't I'm too weak" she said while crying and sitting on the porch "Connie what's wrong?" Steven said concerned about Connie "I'm too weak to tell you something" she said sobbing "your not weak, your a strong noble *cough pretty *cough* smart, and many more things" Steven said while reaching for her hand. "Steven!" She said while looking be hind him "LOOK!" She screamed running inside, Steven turns around and sees a phantom gem that he thought he destroyed, "Connie go inside I'll talk to you later" he said pulling out his shield and attacking the phantom calling the gems.


~Connie I finished fighting but gems say I'll be able to talk to you tmr~ Steven texted Connie ~ok GN~ Connie texted back as she plugged in her phone and lied in her bed and slept.


~Hey Connie meet me at the beach~ Steven texted Connie ~K see ya soon~ Connie replied as she got into her sea wave dress and her sea foam blue boots and her lucky sun hat and polished her lens less glasses and ran out the door, Steven got on a star tank top and his brand new red sandals,they where brand new but the same ones he used to have and brought a basket and a blanket and warped to the garden and grabbed a bunch of rose pedals and warped back to the house and went down to the beach  and set up the blanket and basket and umbrella and put the rose pedals in part poppers and put them in the sand and stuck sparklers in the sand around the blanket but not too close to it. Put his iPod on the basket and set romantic music to playing, and waited for Connie.

"uhh Steven what is this?" Connie asked as she slowly walked up to the area they would be sitting at "Connie please sit" he said as he gestured to sit, she sat and watched him light all the sparklers and pop the party poppers, as he sat the sun went down and pedals where flying in the wind and the sparkler shine looked so pretty and the sea breeze felt amazing "Steven what is this" she asked "this is for you Connie" he said staring into the sun set "ok" she said looking at the sun set "Have you ever seen anything more majestic and beautiful?" She said quietly "I have seen something more beautiful" Steven said as he grabbed her hand "you" he said staring Into her eyes, they sat there blushing and then Connie broke the silence p, pulling her hand away from his she said "Steven, what I tried to say yesterday, that I said I was too weak to say, was Steven I like you" "well I like you too" Steven said "no like, I love you as not a friend" she said Turing red "that's what I meant" Steven Said grabbing her hand again and staring into her eyes "your so pretty tonight" he said leaning in, they both closed there eyes and leaned in and Kissed for a few moments then Connie pulled away slowly "Steven I" she said but the was cut off by the sparklers stopping and the Rose pedals disappearing and Steven hugging her "Connie i love you" he said while hugging her "me too" she said, they enjoyed the food Steven brought and when it was night Connie and Steven went home, "Steven how was she?" Amethyst said smiling "What?" Steven said "you know, was she a good kisser" she said laughing "oh no, did you three really watch all that!" Steven sighed. "Yes" all three gems said looking down "guys, privacy" Steven said walking to his bed "and Pearl don't watch me sleep I saw you already" "Alright but only for tonight" she replied

$ guys having fun reading? Comment your options sorry for like grammar and spelling errors sometimes auto correct can be really mean! I tried to fix it to my best of my abilities sorry if it makes you like cringe!! Also sorry it's short I can write in my iPad but it hurts my fingers after a while sorry love y'all fans $

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