Gem Hunt

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$$ YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA this will be such a cool chapter I hope, sorry for grammar and spelling errors lol, my best with s band aid on my hand and , auto correct fixing words to different things, WHY$$

"Ok ok ok I got to find the basket!!" Connie said to herself opening the door to her parents room and looking in the dresser "Nothing in any drawer" she said to herself again "Nothing under the bed, nothing in the closet.... Wait the attic!" Connie said as she went up the attic "basket, basket, basket,,, BASKET!" Connie yelled as she grabbed the basket with Steven in it! "Steven" she cried out as she closed the attic door and walked to her room "Steven I'm sorry I didn't see your glow, you were locked away in the attic but I got you back!" Connie said hugging the gem and crying "Wait" she got up and found a rock and painted it red and put it in the basket and put the basket back into the attic and kept the real gem with her "Steven my parents will never know" she said kissing the gem "I love you" she said hugging it all of a sudden the gem started glowing "Steven?" All of a sudden a piece of paper flew out of the gem and it was a pink piece of paper. ~Dear Connie I can hear somethings you say, thank you for getting me out of the attic I swear I would of collected a lot of dust you wouldn't of even see me, Connie i can make you know that I will for sure be able to get out of my gem but I might come soon, I'm making myself taller and stronger and many more things see you soon, -Steven~ "oh Steven Ills we you soon too, can you hear me right now?" And after she says that the gem glows pink "does that mean yas? I think so " Connie said. She was super happy.
"Good night my Steven" she said as she kissed it and went to sleep hugging it.

"good morning.. Steven?STEVEN!?" Connie said as she woke up not seeing where Stevens gem went "Steven?" Connie kept repeating over and over again look around her room for Stevens gem "weird I don't remember my dream" "where are you Steven" Connie said, "Steven where ever you are if your in my room close your eyes" Connie said getting dressed into jeans and a shirt "Steven are you in my room, right, glow!" Connie said loudly in her room "Steven?" Connie said as she saw the washroom door was locked "mom dad? You in there? Who's in the washroom?" Connie asked knocking in the door "Hello? Who's out there?" The person in the washroom said,Connie saw a pink glow from the door crack "so you have the gem" Connie said "Open this door!" She cried knocking on the door "I can't, please let me stay in here the gem belongs to me" the voice said "No it doesn't" "Yas it does it's mine if you really want me to open this door I will" "That would be... Nice.." Connie said quietly as the door opened a pink glow admitted from the washroom forcing Connie to close her eyes "hand me the gem then you can close the door again" Connie said putting her hand out to grab the gem "I kind of can't give it to you" "why not!?" The glow faded and Connie opened her eyes "Who are you? Wait YOUR!"

$$Sorry this was short I'm watching the whole 2 seasons of Gravity Falls with my brother I've watched them all he didn't so yea lol, sorry I'm being distracted easily lol yea, sorry$$

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