Cracking Suprise

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$this will blow minds lol$

~Connie~ Steven where are you I'm at the beach I don't see you anywhere ,I'm coming to the temple "Steven? gems?" Connie said at the door of the temple "Connie oh no, please go home!" Pearl said crying "What wrong is Steven ok?" "Please go home Connie" pear said sobbing "Connie come see!" Amethyst said crying a little "its Steven" she continued "WHATS WRONG WITH STEVEN!"  Connie said concerned  "Steven Got hurt walking home last night by a Phantom that looked like his lion, he couldn't help himself but to revert into his gem, but that's not the bad part " Pearl said sobbing"what's worse!" Connie said tearing up "We don't know if he can come out!" Garnet said "NO!" Connie said crying "he must come out!" Connie said sobbing "But, the lion phantom thing also Cracked his gem!!" Pearl cried out!! "NOOO!!" Connie cried and sobbed "fix him please!" "We can fix his gem by fountain but we have no control if he can get out of his gem or not!" Garnet said slowly "please!"

*after putting Rose quartz gem into fountain and coming back to the temple*

"Steven pleas come back!" Connie said still crying "can I take him home, please?" Connie said sadly "sure" Pearl said "I can't look at him like this!" Pearl said giving her Stevens gem" as Connie walked home she kissed Stevens gem and as she got home she found a spare basket and put a pillow in it and a velvet blanket and made is soft and comfortable for the gem as she walked to her her room "Connie what is that?" "And where were you?" Connie's father and mother said "At the pier" Connie said nervously "and that thing?" Connie's mom said "Steven gave it to me yesterday" she said quietly "well give it, your banned form seeing or owning anything that came from him!" Connie's mom said as she took the basket with Steven in it and Locked it in her room "Mom please!" Connie begged "No, now go to bed!" Connie's mom ordered
"Forgive me Steven" Connie said as she lied in bed.

"Connie, why are we at the beach?" "Steven!" Connie shouted "I thought, I thought, you wen to to your, gem it must of been a dream!" Connie shouted as she ran to Steven who was standing right at the shore "No, Connie, I think I'm in my gem, I made the beach I think I think I made you, your fake aren't you?" Steven said holding her hand "Steven, this can't be a dream!" Connie said "Connie this is a dream I'm sorry but I think I'm really talking to you!" Steven said hugging her "am I really talking to you? How?" Connie said crying "this is really happening it's a dream but, to make sure this is real, when you wake up look at my gem it will glow pink for you" Steven said "good morning Connie" Steven said as Connie woke up "But Steven I can't!" She whispered as she woke up!  "No no no no no" Connie said curling up and crying  "MOM!" Connie screamed "Connie is everything alright?" Connie's mom asked opening the door "mom can I have the basket back, please I'm having nightmares without it!" Connie said with tears "Connie I doubt it get ready" "your going with your new friend to the arcade!" Connie's mom continued "new friend?" Connie asked as her mom left the room, after Connie got dressed she walked to the arcade with her mom and her mom pointed out her new friend. "Hi Connie, I'm Casper!" "hi, Casper.." Connie said slowly "Connie you know I know your aunt, her son is my best friend and I'm forced to visit here for a month.." "Oh your that Casper" "yea, I haven't seen you recently Connie, and your, pretty" Casper said blushing and looking down "oh thanks, I guess" Connie said walking with him into the arcade "what do you think about me Connie?" Casper asked "your ok" Connie said "don't you think I'm hot?" Casper said "Look Casper you a, ok guy but I'm not interested!" Connie said "of course you aren't like what other guy would you like, there is no one els win this town Connie!" "Getaway from me!" Connie said pushing him against the wall and running "Connie!" Casper shouted  "mom please don't make me hang out with Casper mom please. He's weird and creepy"  "Connie don't say those words and no, he will be your new friend!" Connie's mom said "head to your room!" She said and pointed

"Connie me and your father are going out for dinner BEHAVE!" Connie's mom yelled "ok mom have fun!" Connie said out the window "bye Connie!" "Bye mom, dad!" Connie said as she carefully waited until she heard the car leave.

$$ short I know, it's really late in the night and my hands hurt lol, ok ttyl people and hope you like it, it will continue and yea sorry cliffhanger love y'all $$

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