The last we hear of you

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Last we hear of you!
$$ this might be sad to some people, maybe I'll cry emitting this sorry yea, I'm emotional love. Your support and votes and views thank you all, remember this so last chapter of this book, so Add this to your library because I will post a note at the end of the book when I post the first halter of book 2, which will be much better and more edited, just saying I'm sorry it took so damn long, I had writers block couldn't remember what I wrote and new ideas, sorry mature audiences only 12+ or if you hate this stuff sorry but skip until - Stop-  $$

Disclaimer. There is violence and descriptive things about Gore.

"Steven, I need to tell you something. Bad, and good" "what is it Connie my dear?" "Steven. I'm pregnant,!" "WHAT!!!!!!!!!!" Steven shouted "who did this happpen, your 16 aren't you?"  "Yas, Steven it's ok, I'm happy but, there's one problem" "what?" "I'm not sure how my parents will react!" Connie said nervously "we will get through this together" Steven said hugging Connie, they fused with contact. "STEVEN UN FUSE IT HURTS!" Connie shouted form inside Stevonnie as they instantly un fused right away.
"Connie are you ok?" "Steven I don't think we can fuse" Connie said whimpering and holding her stomach. "How did this even happen?!" Steven said "well Steven, im assuming since your have gem, it doesn't work like, normal human anatomy." Pearl said "GEM ANATOMY!" Amethyst shouted laughing "Steven, help me please" Connie said as Steven held her from falling over. "We will name her rose!" Pearl said "and what if it's not a girl Pearl?" Amethyst said "we will name it uh Rose... Rosé!!" She shouted sweating with pressure on her "I don't know Amethyst!" Pearl shouted running into the temple screaming "Steven you deal with baby, ill deal with Pearl." She said laughing and running After Pearl.

"WHAT CONNIE YOU CAN'T BE PREGNANT, NOT WITH. HIS CHILD!" "Mom, I'm sorry I'm not even sure how it happens, it's different ok.?!" "CONNIE GET YIUR BUTT TO THE NEW HOUSE AND NEVER TALK TO THIS GEM HUMAN AGAIN!" "Ms.M not to be rude but, Connie loves me and I want to be there for my child.." Steven said "ok. But don't talk to us ever, again," Connie's mom said hanging up. Connie face palmed.

Connie fell asleep with Steven beside her, she couldn't sleep, she was worried and in pain of her parents and recent events with other people and gems and she was totally confused on how this happened. Then she heard a noise, coming from the door. Someone walked into the house, she layes there, hoping it was lion or a gem. "Steven, someone's here!" Connie said shaking Steven. Steven got up "no one. Stop being paranoid I'm really tired" Steven said going back to sleep. "Ok." Connie said lying back down. "Here comes momma" someone said walking up the stairs to Stevens bed with Connie still awake. "Whoa there!!" Connie said grabbing a base ball bat. "Me." Someone said wielding a knife.

All of a sudden. Connie screamed so loud she awoke the whole town.

"CONNIE!" Steven shouted worried to why there was blood everywhere!

Connie was on the ground twitching and holding her stomach as blood poured from her stomach. "The baby came 9 months early" a stranger said holding a strange slippery wet object.

"Connie.?" Steven said turning the light on and seeing someone run out the door with.. Connie's baby.
Connie's stomach was cut clean open with blood pouring everywhere all over the sheets and floor and her clothes and Stevens hands and legs as he got down to help her and called the gems. Connie was shaking crying and she could t open her mouth or eyes.
"My baby!" She finally said then she stop shaking and stoped breathing.
"Come back to me Connie!!" Steven said as she opened her eyes. She was in a hospital bed with hospital stuff attacked to her. And I giant bandage around. Her stomach and back. And a smiley sticker on her hand. "Where gonna figure out who did this" Steven said crying. Then all of a sudden the ripped out baby fell from the vent above and landed on the floor splitting and blood went all over the ground.
"Connie!" Steven said as she fainted.

Connie went into a trauma coma.

A month later.

"Connie I miss you come back, please. Please" Steven pleaded holding her hand. "Steven, Universe. Hello Im the doctor and I need to run tests please step out." "Ok Doctor." Steven said closing the curtains and sitting in a chair in the waiting room. "Steven Quartz Universe. Your wife-" he was cut off "girlfriend" Steven cut the doctor off saying that "ok, girlfriend, has been dead for the last two weeks.the doctor said sadly. "No. no this can't be.!!' Steven shouted.

"The last we hear of you" someone said behind Steven, Steven quickly turned around "you thought I wouldn't show up, she's my friend of course I would" "I know it's you TTopaz stop" Steven shouted turning around mad "just give her back her baby, look what you've done" Steven said looking in front of him and being shocked "Casper!?"

"Steven I came because Connie is my friend and I miss her and to get news that she died. Is terrible." Casper said kissing Connie's dead hand. "you did this!! You killed her" Steven said punching Casper. "I didn't do it, want proof. Get your human friends, I've got an idea, go to the beach front by the temple!" Casper said running.

"What is it?!" "Steven I see you only brought gems" "yas, what's wrong with gems" amethyst said screaming "nothing I said humans but your lonely now so whatever." "Ok why are me and the crystal gems here?" Steven said pointing at Garnet Pearl and amethyst "Ouija board" Casper said pulling it out of a bag and setting it up.
"Oh spirit of Connie, is that you?" It moved to yas slowly "if it's you spell I love Steven!" Steven said it slowly spelled N-O-T-A-K-E-S-2-L-O-N-G "oh well. I love you Connie" L-U-V-U-2 "who killed you, who took your child?" Pearl said slowly, C-A-S-P-E-R "CASPER!" They all shout and scream "I didn't." He said saying goodbye and running with the board. 

"Casper you will pay!" Steven said then getting hit by a slow car and getting hit off to the side "oh jeez Steven get on the sidewalk" Connie's mom yelled, "look we adopted a baby!" She said with glee showing Casper "name?" Steven said "Collin" they said "it's a boy and Connie, well would of been Connie's brother" they murmured "connie is dead" "we know that's why we got a new child. He was born on a floor, poor little,one" they laughed. "Well we still have the mystery of Connie's death and baby." Steven said "do you guys have anything to do with it, Casper?" "Nope." "But the board!" "What board, don't mind him Ms.M and Mr.M, he's a little tipsy. After her death!" Casper said pointing at Steven,.

"This is really suspicious guys" Steven says to Casper "I need to go bye" Casper said running towards the hospital. "Ok.." Steven said slowly following him, Steven ran into Connie's hospital room noticing quickly she wasn't there. "Nurse was Connie scheduled to get taken today?" "Nope sweetie, not until 7" the. Nurse said pointing at the clock , it showed 5 pm, "two hours until she is ready" the nurse said walking away.


$$MUAHAHAHAHHA CANT WAIT TILL BOOK 2 RIGHTTTT, LOL SORRY GUESS WHO DID IT. 😈 did someone do it? Or is Connie alive and she awoke and left. Guess!? It will be a while until the next book comes back, sorry this took so damn long.... love you guys$$

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