Spirit Rose

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$$ hey people this is the moment you've been waiting for am I right lol. $$

"YOUR-" Connie said as she was cut off by the mystery guests finger "I am not who you think I'm not a full form I'm half like ghost!" The person cried "Your Rose Quartz!" Connie cried "yes" "WE NEED TO SHOW THE GEMS!" "Gems? Like the crystal gems?" "FOLLOW ME!" Connie said taking Rose's hand and bringing her to the temple but on the way "Connie!....Rose?" "Greg? Connie stop" Rose said removing her hand from Connie's and walking up to Greg "Rose.. We... Oh" Connie said Turing to see where Rose was going "Greg!!" "Rose? What did I eat? Is that really you?" "Greg this really me! Sort of, I'm kinda like a ghost" "Why?" Connie and Greg said at the same time "Well let's go to the gems first I need to tell them too" Rose said "follow me!" Connie said "Rose I missed you so much you need to see Steven..." "Greg I can't see Steven you'll see why but it's good to be back, for how ever long I stay"

As Connie knocked on the door Garnet comes to the door "Connie what's wrong.... ROSE!" Garnet said hugging rose but falling "Garnet good to see you but let me in I need to explain why I'm half ghost" Rose said staring at Garnet in the ground "Pearl, Amethyst" "ROSE!" Amethyst said "?..Rose Quartz" Pearl said tearing up "Don't hug me your gonna fall over like garnet" Rose said laughing "Connie how did she get here?" Pearl said as Greg went into the temple and sat on the couch "Well I was looking for Stevens gem I thought I lost it then Rose was locked in my washroom!" Connie said sitting on the couch "sit everyone I'll explain why I'm half ghost or something" rose said gesturing everyone to sit "ok tell us!" Connie said

"Well you see, when Steven, ahem, went into his gem, after a day or two I came out, remember how I needed to give up my physical form to give life to Steven, I went into the gem and when he came in a guess he didn't see me but he pushed me out, now I'm sorta a ghost because I had to give up my physical form, and there is no way get it back but. I want to make one of those recorded thingy for Steven so he can see me when he comes back!" Rose explained "but how will he come back!" Connie asked "I can hold my form for a few moments but while I do you need to poof me, make sure I go back Into the gem then it will take Steven a few days to come out." Rose said "Wait we have to injure you? Rose, there is no way I'm doing that, one of you gems do it" Pearl said crying on the inside "I don't want to have to do it!" Amethyst said "me either" Garnet said slowly "Let's ask lapis and Peridot" Amethyst said "they won't want to do it" Garnet said "we can get the phantom to do it, it did it to Steven it can do it again!" Garnet said confidently "ok it's settled the phantom will do it!" Pearl said.

After hours and hours of hanging out with rose Connie went home "well no more sleeping with the gem anymore.." Connie said crying.

"Greg? Is it on?" "The red light means it's on Rose" "oh thanks, ahem, Hi Steven it's your mom I'm ghost form my physical form is gone but I'm here, you pushed me out of your gem or our gem you didn't see me when you went inside the gem but I can assure you Steven I want to see you and I want to love you and you do love me, now the phantom thingy is going to poof me so you can come back out, but when I'm poofed you won't leave your gem until a few days so listen, when I'm in there I will try and love you until you leave I love you and I know how you feel about me. But if we don't talk inside the gem something went wrong and my ghost form has disappeared for another year every year I get this ghost form for a week. I love you. Please forgive me if we don't talk, forgive me in general. Son." Rose said as she ended the video "Greg I want to go home" Rose said crying "Ok dear I'll go" "No, Greg I wants to go with you to your truck" rose said standing in front of him "ok rose come with me, also it's a van".

$$OMG THIS IS SO SHORT IKR, lol anyways thanks for support I toughen of giving up but I can't for you people and all the ideas floating in my head, lol I had to get this chapter out for you people and because I find this chapter one of my best. Don't you fans? Ok I need to write the next one see ya$$

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