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I went back to the apartment and took a shower. I took off the necklace Gray baught me and smiled. I put it on my drawer and went to the shower. I got out and went to the kitchen to boil water.
I went into my room and changed into some leggings and a army green crop top. I combed my hair and let it air dry. I walked over to my bed and put on the necklace Gray bought me. I walked out to my living room and saw Gray and Natsu.


"I was already naked when I got here" He said 


'I see you're wearing the necklace I bought you earlier" He said smirking

"Yea and" I said crossing my arms

"Nothing" He said smiling

"Okay love birds can you stop" Natsu said

"Oh shut it Natsu you're just jealous" I said pinching his cheeks

"Let go of my cheeks" He said struggling

"Awe look at wittle Natsu" I said moving his face

"Oww" He said. I let go and smiled at him. He was holding his cheeks.

"So why are the two of you here" I asked

"Well I came to apologize about earlier" Natsu said

"Awe it's okay. I'm sorry to I should've told you earlier" I said hugging him. He pulled back and smiled.

"How about we all go to the cafe. My treat" I said smiling

"Sure" Gray and Natsu said in unison and stared at each other

We walked over to the cafe and ordered. I payed and we went to go sit at a table.

"You know I knew you drew on my face at the hotel" Gray said which caused me to choke on my drink as I laughed

"Oh you two shared a hotel" Natsu asked

"Yea we went on a mission and the mayor gave us a stay at the hotel as a reward along with the money" I told Natsu

" I wanna go on a mission with you" Natsu said

"Tomorrow okay" I said smiling

"I'm ready" He said 

"Gray" I said

"Yes' He asked


"I don't have time for that" He said

I chuckled and rolled my eyes. 

"Yukiko what's wrong" Natsu asked

"Huh" I asked dizzily

"You're paler that paper" Gray said

"I hadn't taken my pills in a week" I said before passing out

'Natsu run to to guild and tell master to get the infirmary ready I'll be there shortly" Gray said. Natsu nodded and ran to guild. 

I felt someone pick me up and begin to run. I woke up and saw Gray running.

"I love you Gray" I chuckled out before I saw black again

At infirmary

I woke up and saw Natsu, Gray, Wendy, Erza and Lulu.

"I was worried about you Yukiko" Lulu said hugging me

"Why haven't you taken your  pills" Lulu asked

"I've been busy" I said. She just smacked her lips and flew off the bed.

"Yukiko why do you need pills" Natsu asked worriedly. 

"When Lucy died I became depressed. I became suicidal and very depressed. They prescribed me with anti-depressants" I said looking down

"You used to c-cut"Gray asked

I lowered the blanket and lowered my leggings. There were faint scars.

'I can heal them" Wendy said

"Please I don't want these scars anymore" I said crying. Wendy started using her magic and the scars disappeared.

"Thank you Wendy" I said crying. I hugged her and thanked her again. She smiled. Mirajane walked in

"Good to see you're awake Yukiko" She said smiling. "Everything was fine you just need to your pills" She said. I nodded and she walked out. I got up and said goodbye. 

"Where are you going" Natsu asked

"Home" I said

"I'm going with you" He said

"O-kay" I hesitantly said and walked out. He bent down motioning for me to get on hsi back.

"are you sure" I asked him

"Of course" He said smiling. I smiled and got on his back. He got up and I yelled in excitement. I wrapped my legs around his torso as he grabbed my thighs so I wouldn't fall. I turned red and smiled. I wrapped my arms around his scarf and laid my head on top of his. He smiled and began to walk. 

"Yukiko" he asked

"Yes Natsu" I asked

"Thank you" He said

"For what" I said confused

"Joining Fairy Tail" He said

"It was nothing" I said. He smiled

We kept walking and it started getting dark. 

"The sun set is so beautiful" I said 

"just like you" Natsu whispered

"What" I asked

"Nothing" he said. Soon we ended up at the apartment. He took me up the stairs and took me to my bed. He laid me on the bed and I  accidently pulled him on top of me causing me to groan in pain. 

"Get off me you fat giant" I said laughing. He laughed and tuned around and put his arms around my head lifting himself up. His face was inches away from mine. I moved my face towards him making the gap smaller. He quickly got his face closer, pressing his warm lips on mine. I kissed back and put my hands around his neck, pulling him closer to me. I pulled back

"I'm sorry" I said turning my head away from him.

"Yukiko" Natsu said turning my head

"Yes" I said

"Never mind" He said getting of me

"I'm going to sleep" I said crawling into my sheets "Goodnight Natsu" 

"Good night Yukiko" Natsu said


I sat on the chair in front of her bed. She looks so peaceful when she's asleep. I do and don't regret doing what I just did. Why do I? Because I imagined her as Lucy. Why do I not? Because I actually liked it. It was my first kiss after 2 years. I missed the feeling. 

"Natsu" I heard a familiar voice said. I turned around and saw Lucy's "ghost"

"L-lucy' I said

"Natsu take care of her" She said smiling

"I love you Lucy" I said

'I love you to Natsu" She said smiling

"Please take care of her for me. Act towards her the way you did to me" Lucy said smiling

"Lucy I can't replace you" I said

"You're not. I'm asking you to" She said smiling

"Goodbye Natsu" She said wrapping her arms around me. I wrapped my arms around her too 

"Good bye Lucy. For now" I said smiling, knowing she was watching over us.

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