Chapter 19

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Okay, so there have been a few issues recently. One is y'all getting up in my grill about the cover. Maybe next chapter I will make a collage and let y'all vote on your favorites.


The only thing that is like critiquing is correcting me on things like correcting me on the Mittens/Muffins thing, which I DID fix. 

Anyways, I love all the positive comments. I do read them, and try to respond to them all, but it is hard.

I love y'all.



Also, this chapter is short, but its cause I quickly wrote it for y'all so like yesterday's and todays together should equal two pages.

Chapter 19

Sunny Taylor

I tried to find an outlet to my anger, my hurt, my confusion, all these other mixed emotions, and it brought me back to the memory of when I found out about the passing of Daniella.

I eventually went for a walk, needing some alone time. I felt like the world was coming crashing down around me, and I couldn't do anything but sit and watch. That helpless feeling was the most awful feeling I had ever felt.

I wandered aimlessly for hours, until I walked down a dark alley and found myself at a door. I didn't know how I had gotten there, or why my subconscious had led me there, but I took a chance, seeing as I had nothing to lose, and knocked.

I big, tan, muscular and rather handsome man answered the door. He looked like a body builder. He had really short brown hair, and was wearing a wife beater and some gym shorts. He had an amused smirk and he asked, "Who are you?"

I took a step, cowering back. Though his voice was actually not threatening at all, his appearance was, and I was scared of everyone anyways. I detected a slight accent in his voice, Hispanic of some sort.

I stuttered out, "I- I don't kn- know. I was ju- just walking, and I ended up here." He stared at my for a second, considering my answer, and then sighed.

"Well, this is a boxing facility. You can come in if you want... I promise we don't bite. We are mostly just here either if we are practicing, or if we are blowing off some steam. There are some women's clothes you can borrow..." He said, trailing off at the end as he noticed my perked interest when he mentioned blowing off steam.

He opened the door wider and offered, and surprisingly, I took a couple steps until I found myself following him. He led me to a woman who was extremely fit. She said something to her quietly, and she glanced at me with disdain a couple times.

She reluctantly sighed and tossed some clothes at me. I knew he picked her instead of one of the other three women because she was only a few inches taller than me.

I walked into the bathroom he showed me and changed into the clothes. They were spandex and a sports bra. I felt embarrassed, and the bra was slightly loose, but other than that they fit okay.

I walked out and he grinned, saying, "Well, champ, that's what I have decided to call you, what are you here to do today? If you want to train, you can go to weights," he pointed over to where there was a weight section.

I shook my head and he said, "Well, if you want to fight, you can go to the rings." He stopped and looked me over before adding, "Never mind, no you can't. Your last option is the punching bags, which are awesome for blowing steam."

I followed his finger to where there were ten punching bags. I looked back at him, blushing, and asked, "Is there any room that has a punching bag I can go where no one will be able to see how lame I am?"

He chuckled and gestured for me to follow him. He opened a door and I peeked in. It was small and plain, only a few weights and a punching bag in the middle of the room. The light flickered and I gave a small smile.

"Here you go. When you are done, just change and give me Veronica's clothes. Nice meeting you, Champ. Oh, and I am Rick by the way."

I nodded and he closed the door. I slowly took a few steps to the punching bag, putting on the gloves lying by it, and took a swing. It barely budged.

I then took a hard swing, thinking of the fact Daniella was gone. The bag swung in reaction.

I smiled, knowing this was just what I needed.

I felt the tears of anger, looking around for an outlet like that, but I couldn't find one. I saw the letters on the floor and the rage heightened. I couldn't believe someone could kill Daniella on purpose.

It was awful. She was such a loving and sweet girl, only wanted to help people, never hurt them. So why would someone want to hurt her?

Because of love. Love ruined everything.

I shook my head, unable to control myself as I yelled, releasing the tiniest bit of emotion.

I knew what I needed to do to help. I needed to go talk to Blake. I grabbed my phone, just incase Anthony tried to text me or something like that.

I walked down the stairs, tears all over my face. I quickly wiped them away but no sooner they were there again.

I opened the door to see Blake across from a wolf.

In the blink of an eye, Blake was gone. And replaced by a large grey wolf, a bit bigger than the other one.

I gasped.

Again, sorry for the length. The next one will probably be kind of short as well, I apologize. Eventually they wont be.

Rick on the side. 

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