Frankie poo

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Franks pov

"Wake up sleeping beauty!" Ray happily said as he hit my back with his pillow. Groggily and annoyed I snatched the pillow away from him."If you don't get up im going to the spot to find Gerard and tell him that you're madly in love with him and can't wait to have his babies." Ray taunted with a smug look.

"You..wouldn't..dare." I responded while narrowing my eyes.
"Alright whatever you say Frankie pooooo" Ray sang while running down the stairs to the front door. How long has he been awake for to be already dressed? I thought but my heart quickly started racing as I realized that knowing his hyperactive personality that he was really going to do it. I was still in my PJ's as I race down the steps like no tomorrow. Ray would probably scare Gerard away and that's the last thing I wanted so I sprinted as fast as I could out the door and I see Ray just sitting on the curb smiling from ear to ear saying "Ah good, now you're up" "I responded with "ha ha veryyyy funny Ray-mundo"

"Man you must really like this kid if you're willing to run around the neighborhood in your PJ'S" ray noted. "Shut up and let me get dressed " was all I could say as I felt my ears burning.

~At the spot~
Gerards pov
I sat with Mikey on the only thing in the room talking about how we really need to clean the place up a bit and really make it ours. As I started to stand up I hear the window open, I instantly got startled still not used to this spot. But then my eyes laid on the hottest boy I've laid my eyes on a.k.a  Frank and another boy who's curly afro was so enormous that I bet he hides secrets in there."Hey frank and- uhhh RAY! Sorry I forgot for a second. I apologized feeling bad that I forgot rays name like that" I looked around for Mikey and found him standing behind me.I pointed towards him and said"This is four eyes,also known as Mikey my younger brother."

I heard a "shut up" come out of Mikey behind me and I just smiled at Frank feeling smug. Ray chimed in with "It's okay man but you're right Frankie-poo he really is a 10 out of 10!" Ray exclaimed looking at me then to Frank. I felt my face get hot and my heart race thinking about how Frank actually told someone about me and how he thought I was a 10 A TEN??!. I then looked at Ray then to Frank and as our eyes met I felt goosebumps run through my body. "SHUT UP RAY-MUNDO DON'T MAKE GERARD FEEL WEIRD" Frank said in a voice a little too loud like he was trying to hide something.He playfully hit Ray in the arm and was looking at everything except me. Wait was he blushing??

I couldn't get a good look before he turned around and walked towards the dirty couch that mikey and I were sitting on seconds before.
I tried not to visibly freak out about what Ray had just said even though my face was still getting redder by the second."Uhh haha well this was a good start to introducing ourselves." I tried to break the awkward tension.
I looked over at Mikey for assistance but he was busy chatting away with Ray. Wow they hit it off pretty fast I thought.But I'm glad,Mikey needed more friends and Ray seemed like a good guy. Franks body was almost sliding off the end of the couch.You know when you're really bored in class and you slouch really far down in your chair? Yeah that was him. He was also scribbling something on his red faded converses. I wondered what he was doing with his shoe so I sat with him.

Frank's pov
My black pen was running out of ink as I was halfway done writing Gerards name on the side of my shoe.I have a tendency to write whatever I'm thinking on my shoes. I can't believe Ray embarrassed me by actually telling him I said he was a 10/10. I'll get him back one day when he least expects it.I was in deep concentration trying to get the lines perfect when I felt the cushion sink in as someone sat next to me. I quickly stomped my foot on the ground so whoever it was couldn't see what I was doing. I looked up to find the boy that I was falling for. Uh oh I better not make this awkward. I thought to myself . "Hello again" he says.

I smile and before I knew what I was saying "hey Gee" came out of my mouth. HEY GEE REALLY???GET YOURSELF TOGETHER FRANK HE's GOING TO THINK YOU'RE WEIRD GOD DAMMIT I internally screamed at myself.
He didn't seem uncomfortable with it like I thought he might've been,which was a big relief. He looked at me while tilting his head just slightly and said "I like that, how'd you come up with it :)"
"HAAA ITS ALREADY STARTING;THE REVOLUTION!!" Ray screamed out of nowhere and pointed at Gerard. Why does he always come out of nowhere??
"Oh god,not you too with the emoji face thing." I say while face palming myself and smiling. "Ray does it too I'm guessing?" Gerard  giggled. He had a cute giggle. No actually he had a cute everything. "Yep,he thinks it's going to take over the world just like his hair does in the morning" I said. Gerard giggled some more. Making me feel proud that I had made him laugh. In the middle of all his laughter he said "Well Mikey and I do it all the time so you're going to have to get used to it Frankie-poo"

Oh man,I'm in deep shit now I usually hate it when people call me Frankie-poo but Gerard made it sound so beautiful..almost angelic.
"I can deal with it as long as you're around" I flirted or well tried to flirt. He gave me a sheepish smile in return to let me know it wasn't as bad I thought.
"Okay love birds I hate to break it up but Ray and I have decided to start cleaning this place up if it's going to be our hang out spot." Mikey randomly stated. Gerard and I agreed and got up to get ready to work.

"First thing's first if we're going to do this we gotta do it right! We need to put some music on muchachos" I said while scrolling through the my amazing music taste and settled on West Coast by FIDLAR.
This song made it feel like we were in a movie which was exactly the kind of vibe I wanted. We were taking down the slabs of wood that were on the window and cleaning the spiderwebs from the walls. I haven't felt this happy in forever. I had Ray and made 2 new friends, and one of them was totally out of my league. I have a feeling that things are going to be a lot better now with Gerard and Mikey in my life.

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