The place where we first met

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It was a day before Christmas and also my wedding with Gerard. Everyone was hectic running around getting things perfect. We filled the entire place with white flowers to show how something so runned down can be beautiful and have a special meaning. It looked absolutely beautiful. I couldn't sleep tonight I was too nervous for the big day ahead of me. I keep fantasizing about it and how amazing it's going to be. I had Ray stay in the same room as me to make me feel better. "Hey man congratulations,you've come a long way. I'm so proud of you." Ray confessed I could see his eyes were getting cloudy. I hugged him and said "Thank you,I couldn't have done it without you, I love you."

"Hey woah, I thought you loved Gee and hey I'm not against it cause rawr means I love you in dinosaur and Dino's are badass so love must be badass too."Ray laughed. "You always know how to make me feel better,but when are you and Mikey going to get married?" I questioned.
He started blushing like a mad man. It was pretty obvious Mikey and Ray were planning something. But I let him have his secret. "Ummm right now this is about you okay? So lets focus on you." Ray responded.
"Hmmm alright, but it's already 2am and we need to save our energy for tomorrow." I told him.
"Goodnight Mr.Iero,tomorrow you'll wake up as Gerard's husband ;-)" He said in a singing voice. I then laid down and drifted off into a deep sleep.

I woke up to a start. Ray had jumped on the bed screaming " WAKE UP,WAKE UP.YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED FOR CHIRST SAKE."  I immediately looked at the clock. It was 10am. oh man I'm late! I whispered a string of curse words as I tried finding my socks. Ray was already dressed and ready to go. " YOU COULD HAVE WOKEN ME UP EARLIER,NOW WE'RE LATE" I panicked as I put on my shoes. Ray just laughed." You would've taken your sweet time and somehow still ended up late.So there was no point in me doing so"
I had to admit he was right. When I finished getting ready in lighting speed. Ray drove us down to the spot. We saw a couple parked cars outside. I was so nervous I couldn't believe this was actually happening! When we entered the house we saw people standing around chatting to their friends. I saw Mikey and instantly asked him where Gerard was.

"He's almost out. He woke up kinda late." Mikey informed. Seems like I wasn't the only one today. I took my place in the middle of the house towards the small stage admiring all the flowers. It must have been 5 minutes before I heard cheering and saw my soon to be husband walking towards me with Mikey at his side. He looked so beautiful surrounded by the flowers. I remembered back to the time when we first meet. Alone in this dirty house not knowing how much I would end up caring for him. It seemed just like yesterday. The Person who was going to marry us,Pete wentz whispered "You guys look so wonderful together,congratulations." "Thank you so much." I whispered back. When the ceremony started I saw my mother crying. She waved at me and smiled and I smiled back. I could tell she was proud of how far I've come. I looked at Gerard's mother and she gave me two thumbs up and mouthed the words 'take care of him'. I nodded and looked at Gerard. He deserved the whole world and I was ready to give it to him.

"Gerard way,do you take this man to be your awfully wedded husband?"Pete began.
"I do" He said.
"and do you Frank Iero take this man to be your awfully wedded husband?"he continued on.
"I do, until the end of time" I said looking at Gerard. He smiled and i smiled back. I then looked towards Pete who said "I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss your husband."
Cheers were heard all around the house as I leaned in to kiss my husband for the first time. I herd champagne bottles open and people laughing. I know people say 18 is a young age to get married but when you're 100% certain they're your soulmate there's no reason to stop you. We'll only get stronger from this experience. Gerard wanted to take my last name because he loved how Gerard Iero sounded and so did I. We celebrated for hours on end. Dancing and enjoying the good environment. Gerard's mom let us have the house for a couple of days as kind of a honeymoon. We didn't need to go anywhere fancy for our honeymoon just spend time together.

" Hey, Mr.Iero" I said jokingly to my new husband. He looked at me with his big eyes and smiled that smile that can cure anything. He grinned and said "hey husband" I hugged him from the back as he was staring at the bed. "You wanna go to sleep Gee?" I asked. " yes oh my god I'm so tired from today." He responded. I let my arms drop and he jumped into bed. " I live for this bed, it's so comfortable. It's like a cloud." He sighed. I got into bed, kissing his cheek. He turned his head and our mouths collided. His mouth was addictive, I couldn't get enough.We laid there kissing for what seemed forever.

A/N there's a sex part in the next part so feel free to skip this part if you're uncomfortable

We cuddled,with my hands wrapped around his waist and his arms around my neck. He laid under me as I kissed him and reached over to take my shirt off. The cold air of the room hit my back as I was pulling his pants down. He took off his own shirt and I had never seen a boy more beautiful than the one under me right now. I grazed my hands on this chest before taking off my own pants. At this point he had his  tongue feverishly exploring my mouth. Our breathing was getting heavy as I reached down to grab his hard member through his underwear he was a lot bigger than I expected and he lightly gasped. He lifted his hips so he was pressed against my hand.

He then reached over to pull my underwear down to expose my already rock hard erection. He spit in his hand and started to slowly move it go up and down. His hand reached the tip and It felt like bliss. I started to rock my hand against his member as I did the same to him while kissing his neck and giving him a hickey. He was panting and his member was throbbing. I looked at his face and his eyes were closed as he was taking in the pleasure. I grabbed him by the hips and told him to turn around. I took his underwear off and he obeyed. He was on all fours as I reached over to get the bottle of lube that was on the nightstand in his room. My heart was pounding as I was about to lose my virginity to the love of my life. I smeared the lube all over my member and his opening. I said "are you ready Gee?" He was so turned on that he could barley speak and nodded his head feverishly. I aligned my member against him and slowly started to enter him.He felt warm and tight and I thought I was going to finish there but I kept pushing into him until I was all the way. He moaned loudly as I grabbed him by the hair.

I moved my hips back and fourth feverishly feeling him through my body. I came in him as it felt so good. As I was still rocking back and forth as  I grabbed his member and started to run my hand down his member until all I could hear was his moans of pleasure. I soon felt his warm load in my hand indicating that he had finished. As I exited him he turned around and pressed a kiss to my lips. "I love you Frank" He said looking into my eyes.
"I love you too, so much" I said back.
We felt high from the pleasure and laid there until we fell asleep wrapped in each other's hand.

The sun shone onto my face,waking me up I rolled around to face Gerard. He had his mouth slightly open,hair disheveled falling perfectly around his face. I could hear his breaths and all I could think about was how I got so lucky to have someone like him love me. My new life as a married man just begun and I'm curious as to what life may bring us next.

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