Bells ringing

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A/N I decided to edit this story because I wrote it a while ago and I've gotten a lot better at writing and decided to include this new chapter! Feel free to let me know what you think!

~ October~
Frank and I decided to have the wedding in December after he turned 18 this month. Also having a wedding in the best month of the year was a dream come true. Franks mom had actually passed out when we told her we were engaged but the last thing she said was" OMG MY BEAUTIFUL SON IS GETTING MARRIED I HAVE TO GET EVERYTHING READY IM SO HAPPY FR-" she couldn't finish the sentence before she fell to the ground.

My mom cried tears of happiness. She always had a soft spot for Frank because he treated me right.
The guys also betted on when we were going to get married. What a group of friends I have. Always betting on us, but I love them to death anyways. Mikey ended up winning $5 as he won the bet again but they were just as happy as us. Mikey swore up and down that if he didn't give me away that he would throw glitter all over the wedding.

Frank also decided that Ray was going to be his right hand man. The wedding venue was going to take place in our spot as it wasn't going to be very big. Just our moms and the guys. Ah the guys, they finally started dating when Ray confessed his feelings on the last day of school. Frank and I teased them for weeks after. We even threw white flowers on them one day. That's when we decided to have White flowers all over the place With the house being redone. All of my friends and family were so happy for us but it wouldn't compare to what I felt! I was beaming! We had survived Clarissa and high school and we were finally going to be able to live our lives together.

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