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~3 weeks later~
Gerard's pov

It's been 3 weeks and our friend group consists of Mikey,Frank,Ray and myself. We've have been hanging out so much they were basically inseparable. I've always dreamed of having a friend group where we can be ourselves without
any fear of being judged and laughing non stop but also know when it's time to be serious with each other.The best part is that I get to spend time it with Frankie. I've been falling for him since we meet and I'm head over heels for him now. Everything about him is perfect. He's all I ever think about.

Today everyone was going to meet up at my house to have a sleep over. Mikey and I woke up at 11 to get everything ready. "Mikey have you seen my phone??" I yelled across the house.It's not hard to loose something in my room since it's always a mess.

There was this gigantic mountain of clothes that was taking up almost half of the room. I urgently shoved everything into the closet. Hoping no one would face their doom in an avalanche of clothes when they open it. I checked under my bed to make sure I didn't miss anything but to my surprise my phone was lying there face up. How did it even get under here? I thought as I crawled to retrieve it and as I was about to get out from under my bed,I hit my head on the wood outline that was surrounding it. Mikey strolled in looking impressed "wow I've never seen it this clean" he chuckled. "Yeah, I didn't know I had it in me" I admitted while rubbing my head.

It was already 2 pm,Frank and Ray were going to be here in 20 minutes. I made a mental checklist of everything that was needed to be done and luckily everything was taken care of.I put on a bit of eyeliner around my eyes to make me look slightly like a raccoon and my hair had a bad case of bedhead. I was wearing a black Misfits T-shirt with a pair of black,tight skinny jeans with mismatched socks.The one on the left had Halloween pumpkins and the right one was plain dark blue.
Mikey was wearing a Salvia Palth shirt with basketball shorts.

I heard a knock on the door and Mikey sprinted towards it."Hey, guys are you ready to paaaaartyyyyy?" I heard Ray's voice echoing through the house. Good thing my mom was working late today or she would've had a fit.I walked towards them to greet them.

"Hell yeah, Ray-mundo you know it" I exclaimed. I hugged Frank in hello.He gives the best hugs, it's like hugging a teddy bear. He was wearing an Alesana T-shirt and black ripped jeans. He had some leftover eyeliner on which looked amazing on him. Ray was wearing a David Bowie hoodie and a pair of regular jeans. "So what do you guys wanna do first?" I asked. "We should eat,I'm starving! Frank and I didn't get time to eat because Frank wanted to get over here ASAP so he could see y-" ray was cut of as
Frank nudged him with his elbow. HARD. Ouch poor ray. "Okayyyyyy let's get some pizza then,right Mikey? We need to order pizza! like right now! .How about pepperoni ?? haha pepperoni's always good." Frank babbled trying to desperately change the topic.

I started to feel butterflies in my stomach.Frank has that kind of power towards me,he can make me feel all gooey just by doing anything. "umm yeah pepperoni sounds good and let's get 2 giant sodas." I replied, trying to help Frank change the subject to make him feel less awkward .We all went downstairs to the basement which was the game room. When Ray passed me to go downstairs he whispered ";)"

"Let's play uno!" Mikey suggested. We got in a circle; well square in this case and brought out the cards with Frank sitting to my left and Ray in front of me,sitting next to Mikey. 30 minutes into the game Mikey proudly yelled "UNO! I WIN LOSERS" as he beat us for the 3rd time. ":/ THAT'S NOT FAIR,YOU SHOULD LET SOMONE ELSE WIN MIKES" Frank shouted. "NOPE YOU GUYS SUCK" Mikey taunted as the door bell rang."I'LL GET IT,I need some time away from a cheating mikey >.>" Frank chuckled as I gave him the money for the pizza. "HEY, I DIDNT CHEAT, YOU MONGOOSE!!" Mikey roared. When he was out of sight I said "Really Mikey a mongoose? That's all you could come up with?" I giggled. "It was the first thing that came to mind ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Gee" Mikey uttered.

After we had finished eating and played monopoly, it was already 5pm. We decided to go to the store and see if we could buy anything to make this feel more like a party. We ended up going to a dollar store cause it was the closest one we could walk to.
At the store we split up so we could each pick out something. Mikey found some Christmas hats even though it was the summer??,Frank found glow sticks,Ray got rainbow glitter and I found a pack of purple balloons. It was A pretty weird collection of things but it was the best we could do with the limited amount of money we all had.

When we had gotten home it was getting dark out so we lit up the glow sticks and put on the hats."Gee and I should have crowns because we're the princes and Ray and Mikey can be our slaves,it's only fair since Mikey cheated at uno." Frankie voiced while standing up and crossing his arms.
"I DIDNT CHEAT LOSER,YOU'RE JUST BAD AT THAT GAME!" Mikey retorted while standing up to confront frank.
"But I didn't do anything how come I'm a slave!!" Ray whined. "Because there can only be two rulers,slave!" Frank said while grabbing a handful of glitter and throwing it at Ray who was sitting with me on the couch. "HEY WATCH IT! IM A PRINCE TOO!" I yelled at frank as the glitter also hit me. "Sorry gee, wrong place at the wrong time" he laughed.

"Wow I look AMAZING" ray called as he looked into the mirror from the bathroom that was in the basement. As we all laughed I took a look at him and the rainbow glitter had mostly gotten on his fro and it looked pretty majestic.

By the time we were done throwing the balloons around that I had picked out. It was already 10pm so We took a trip upstairs to my room.I suggested we should watch a scary movie since I 'm always down for scary movies. Ray wanted to pick the movie and ended up with "The Houses October Built". Luckily there were two beds in my room because Mikey would sometimes sleep in here with me. As the movie started Ray and Mikey went to Mikeys bed and Frank and I laid down on mine.When the scary parts would come Frankie would curl up closer to me. He was so cute when he did that. I was about to close my eyes and drift to sleep but then Frankie wispered "Hey Gee."
"Yeah frankie?" I replied. "I need to tell you something." He said.
"What is it Frankie?"
"Well uhh we've know eachother for a while now and I think now would be a good time to tell you this" he started. I looked over at him and felt my heart speed up and my hands get sweaty as I didn't know what he was going to say. "I've had a major crush on you since the day we met." He confessed while playing with the hem of his shirt.

I smiled when I realized what he had just told me. I was also surprised and said "Really??"
"Yeah,like a lot" he mumbled. "I like you too Frankie!" I reassured him of my feelings.
"Im glad I met you Gee, you've made my life better" he whispered. I looked over at Ray and Mikey and they were fast asleep. I looked back at frank with the tv light lightly on his face into his green eyes.He was the most beautiful boy I've ever seen. His hair stuck out all over the place and slightly in his eyes. I couldn't resist it so I closed my eyes and lean in to make our lips touch. His lips were so soft and warm,it was like heaven.He deepended the kiss by putting his hand behind my neck.I felt this rush of electricity as our lips fit perfectly together. After about 5 seconds I had to slightly push away to get some oxygen. We laid there looking into each others eyes and I couldn't believe someone like him actually liked me! Frank started to close his eyes so I whispered "Goodnight Frankie"and kissed his forehead."Goodnight Gee" he mumbled barley being able to hear him. Then I closed my eyes still smiling and drifted off to sleep.

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