Angels in our mouth

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"It's about time." I heard someone say but didn't pay too much attention to it because I just wanted to sleep and lay with Gee. I felt someone jump onto the bed and at first I thought I was dying but then my brain realized that I, in fact, was not.It was just Mikey trying to be annoying.

"Why'd you do that?" I angrily said sitting up."Just wanted to make sure you and your boyfriend were alive ;)" Mikey said. I quickly came to terms with how Gee and I looked sleeping,with my arm wrapped around him, spooning him."He-he's not my boyfriend! well honestly I don't know?" I explained as I tried to make sense of what last night meant. Gerard was starting to get up too,rubbing his eyes. "Hey, gee is Frank your boyfriend?" Ray cheered.
"Um yeah if he wants to be." He smiled.
"I do!" I said a bit too fast.

"okayyyyy now that you're married. Who confessed their love first?"Ray playfully said.
"I di-" I tried to say but got interrupted by Mikey screaming "YES I WAS RIGHT! I BELIEVED IN YOU FRANKIE, YOU OWE ME $10 RAY!!" As he threw a ballon into Rays face.
"Wait,why does he owe you $10?" Gerard questioned. "Because we had a bet on who would confess first and that also determined who was a top." Ray explained.

"Thaaaanks Mikey,for having such faith in me," Gerard sarcastically said. "Sorry bro I had to go with what I believed in and I was right to go with Frank cause I knew you were a bottom!"
"Baby, We have plenty of time to figure out if you're a top or bottom ;)" I jokingly said towards Gerard. Which cause him to turn a deep shade of red. "Groossss" Ray sighed. "Hey I wasn't the one who betted on it!" I remarked. "Touché Frank touché." He giggled

"Anyways I'm going to make wafflessss because I'm starving," Ray suggested.
"I'll go with you in case they start making out and I have to awkwardly sit there dying." Mikey added.
While they went downstairs I told Gerard to look at me for a second. When he turned his head and we made eye contact I crashed my lips onto his.He was an amazing kisser,I've kissed some girls before that I briefly dated when I was trying to figure out my sexuality but Gerard was by far the best I've ever had.

I wondered how many people he's been with. Probably a lot since he's so attractive and funny. I bet he has all the boys and girls chasing after him. Our lips separated and I wanted to kiss him again but I decided against it to ask him"how many people have you dated?" He looked at surprised and slowly answered "none, you're the first." I blinked and sat looking at him. I was flabbergasted how could someone so perfect never be with anyone
"I know I'm such a loser." he muttered looking embarrassed. "No no! I was just surprised because you're so cute and funny I thought you would have dated tons of people."
Gerard replied with"Nope in my old town I had no friends and much less ever date anyone."

I kissed his forehead and whispered, "Well they're crazy cause they don't know what they're missing." "How many people have you been with?" He asked me. "umm like 4 but they weren't serious or anything."  I tried to explain in case he thought he wasn't good enough. Before we could talk anymore on the subject we heard "GUYS WE MADE WAFFLES COME UP BEFORE WE EAT THEM ALL."Ray and Mikey both yelled from upstairs. "oooh I love waffles they're like angels in our mouths." I said.
"Let's go get some angels and eat them!!" Gerard said. I laughed at his unique choice of words and headed downstairs.


While we were eating the heavenly waffles I couldn't stop thinking about what Frank had said.He's been with 4 people and I've never been with anyone until he came along. it made me kinda nervous because I'm unexperienced  compared to him. It also made me sick to my stomach just thinking about him kissing other people. He said they weren't serious so I shouldn't be worrying and he's not with them anymore,he's mine now and I'm his. But I still had a feeling that something bad was going to happen.

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