Chapter 4: Three years, nine months

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Song that inspired me to write this chapter:

Fall Away - The Fray

Valerie's POV

"It's so nice to see you! Come on in!" I greet my parents as Angie rushes to their open arms and covers their faces with kisses.

She's changed into one of her favorite dresses, the blue one with little grey elephants, the one her grandmother got her for Christmas last year.

It was too big for her but now it fits her perfectly, and she looks like a princess.

"Our little princess is growing so fast!" Mom hugs her, the biggest smile covering her face.

"Mr. Clark, Ms. Clark, great to see you. Come on in," Ty hugs Mom and shakes Dad's hand, smiling politely then stepping to the side to let them in.

I've always loved the way he was around my parents, polite, a real gentleman. Himself.

Even when I told him about everything they put me through. About the night they found out about the pregnancy. About the night they told me I had to choose them, or the baby. About the night they kicked me out of the house because I refused to have an abortion.

Even when I cried, telling him how much I hated them, how much they hurt me, how they gave up on me so easily, how I would never ever forgive them.

He held me all those nights, during all of my breakdowns, silently, rubbing my back, letting me cry on his shoulder for hours.

Not once did he say something bad about my parents, or insult them, partly because I know he misses his very much, and thinks I'm lucky mine are even alive, and partly because he knows I'm right.

He knew they hurt me and he blamed them for it, I knew it, but he wouldn't say it, because he wouldn't wanna upset me even more.

He would just let me go on and on, holding me as if his life depended on it. And maybe it did.

Because for me, it did. My life depended on it. On him.

Some might think it's wrong to depend on somebody so much that you can't even breathe when they're away, but those people surely don't know what it's like to be abandoned by everyone you've ever known or loved. To be going through something so hard on your own.

To be completely alone.

And then falling in love.

Falling in love with him was like finding the light at the end of a dark, dark tunnel. It was like finally breaking the surface of the water, finally breathing again.

Feeling alive again.

And I still feel like that every time he kisses me, touches me, every time he holds me in his arms the way he did all those years ago, every time I hear his and Angie's laughs.

"Lunch is ready, everyone!" I get the chicken and sets it on the center of the table, while everyone takes a seat.

Chatter, laughter and joy fill the room, as we enjoy this meal, like a real happy family.

This moment right now, right here, is what I've always dreamed of. Ever since the night Angela was born. The night Tyler asked me to move in here with him, with Angela. The night he said he loved me.

"It's absolutely delicious, Valerie!" Dad exclaims, giving me a proud smile.

I remember seeing this smile for the first time at Angie's third birthday, when my parents showed up at our front door, almost 4 years after kicking me out.

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