Chapter 19

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I twitched awake to the sounds and clamour that made up the clan. It had become the new normal to me. The shouts of joy brought peace to me. I was sore from last night with simar. I had awoken in the middle of the night to change out of my filthy clothes and into proper sleping wear. My stomach rumbled with hunger. I remember not having ate last night.

"I heard what happened last night," Kian said walking into my hut. Startled I almost fell off my bed in an attempt to get up. In the partial darkness of my hut I had to wait for my eyes to adjust to see Kian. 

"Yeah," I replied rubbing the back of my neck. Standing up I realized what I was wearing. Warmth spread across my cheeks. The too thin nightgown I wore was barely past my knees. I had nothing else on I tugged the edge of it down self-consciously. 

Looking up at Kian I watched as he averted his eyes from her. He was dressed in a simple shirt and pants made of the same tough brown animal skin. His black hair flowed freely just above his shoulder blades. A sword hilt was sticking out, where it rested on his hip. 

"You shouldn't have done it," His voice was rough almost cold. Glaring at him I bent to pick up hard bound copy of a fallen book that I had been reading. 

"Yes, I should have." I snapped at him pointing an accusing finger in his direction. 

"You're impossible," He said baring his teeth in a sneer. In one moment, my hand held the book and the next it was sailing through the air towards him.  His eyes widened in surprise, I watched with satisfaction as the book hit Kian square in the chest.  

Kian's green eyes flared suddenly bright. His mouth hung open staring at the book lying open before his feet. 

"You dare," His voice was laced with a hint of anger but something else. Astonishment I realized, it was nice to catch him off guard for once. I stayed quite watching his reaction. Kian stared at me waiting for a reply. 

"Fine, get dressed" He growled out, "you're doing magic practice with me today, Kanza is out for the day." I watched as he turned leaving the tent. His back shoulders were tight with tension. The tapestry swayed where he disturbed it. I caught a glimpse of the sun outside glinting off the blades of grass. 

Grimacing I turned back to the dresser where extra clothes had been brought for me. Rummaging through the drawers I managed to find a tight fitting shirt and pants. Thankfully it was better than wearing dresses again. 

Slipping them on, I had to tug a couple times to get the pants over my hips. Running a brush through my hair I was ready to meet Kian.

When I got to our training place on the plains. I stopped a few feet away taking in Kian who knelt in the tall grass. His hands were splayed in the earth, eyes closed. He seemed to be murmuring something. His hair fanned out around his face. The sun reflected against his hair making it shine. Kian's fae ears poked out from beneath his hair. 

I couldn't help but savor this side of him. I've never seen him like this, relaxed and unguarded. His whole posture was released of tensions. I shifted my weight, and a twig snapped underfoot. I cringed as Kian stood up stalking over towards me. His relaxed posture was now gone replaced with the tight tension that always seemed to be a part of him.

"How long were you here?" He asked coming to a stop in front of me. I held his look for a moment debating on what to say.  

"Not long," I said averting my eyes from his. He only looked around the area in response assessing.

"Today I want you to work on creating a circle of fire on the grass. Then putting it back out." Simple enough I thought.

"okay, but when do I get to see your power?" He gave a low chuckle shaking his head.

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