Chapter 3

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        "I'm so glad you're coming with me out of town," Kira said happily looking at me from her position in the drivers seat.  We were headed to a close by city to go to a night club. I really didn't want to go but she insisted. Cole couldn't go because he had pack business to attend to. So she was left to her only other option: Me. 

"Don't expect me to dance," I said grimacing at her. I turned my head away from her, and leaned my forehead against the car window. I gazed out the window watching the passing cars blur by. Everything from the yellow lines on the road to the cars, and trees all seemed to blur into each other. My eyes started to droop and soon I was fast asleep.

           The night sky had gathering storm clouds, making it dark and eerie. The whistling wind whipped through the tree's. The tree's that surrounded me had bare branches that seemed more like cage bars closing in on me with every second passing. I looked around wildly, Wolves were in lines on either side of me; snarling at one another. I was the only one in human form. It seemed as though my heart was in my throat. I quickly realized I was standing between the territory boundary. Now I knew at once what was going on. The packs were about to wage war on each other. 

I quickly scanned the wolves on our side of the territory for my father. I found him in the front of the line. He seemed to not notice me standing there. He looked right through me, and straight at the Shadow Night's Alpha, Cedric. Cedric bared his teeth at my father, and braced getting ready to leap.

    "No stop!," I pleaded hysterically, "Don't do this!."  But they hadn't heard me or didn't care. To my great astonishment, Cedric leaped through me and landed on my father.  Something about this was off. It's not real I tried to tell myself. I spun around, Cedric had his jaws around my father's throat. My father whimpered trying to squirm free, Snapping at Cedric every chance he could get. Tears were brimming my eyes. I knew he was going to lose it was clear to see. I saw Cole start to walk forward wanting to help my father. 

But my father growled a warning, he didn't want help. I cursed him for being so prideful.  I was about to turn away, I couldn't handle watching my father die. Something stopped me though, the most weirdest thing. A boy ran out and threw himself at Cedric. Caught by surprise Cedric let go of my father, and stumbled on his paws. The boy now looked directly at Cedric. He couldn't be a year older then me. He had light brown hair, and bright blue eyes that seemed to penetrate the darkness. Lighting flashed illuminating their features.

The storm was now here, rain splattered down in great amounts; soaking everything and anyone. The wind was stronger then ever. It held a bitter cold to it.  

"Stop this father it isn't right," The boy warned, "If you want to kill Lainy's father, you're going to have to kill me first."  




My eyes flew open, my heart pounding in my chest. My eyes came into focus, Kira was bending over me; her hand on my shoulder. 

"W-What?," I started to ask but she interrupted me.

"Were here now get your sleepy butt up and lets go party!," she squealed excitedly. I mentally groaned. I really didn't want to do this. I put on a smile anyway.

"Alright I'm getting up," Kira let out a small sound of triumph. She shut off the vehicle, grabbed the keys out of the ignition, and got out of the car. Pushing Images from my dream to the back of my mind, I took a deep breath, and stepped out of the car.  Kira met me outside. I looked around at the rows and rows of vehicles. There must be over a hundred here.  

The night club's building was up ahead. I could hear faint music beating from it. Kira and I headed towards the club. As we got closer I saw a long line leading up to the front doors, that were being guarded by big burly men. Before I knew it we were standing in line. I looked at kira her eye brows were furrowed,  she was digging through her purse; searching for something. 

"Aha!" She said loudly taking out two square cards out of her purse. With a big smile on her face she handed me one. I tentatively took it from her hand. I stared at a blank side. I flipped it to its other side, too my surprise I found my picture in the top right corner. My name firmly printed on it, as was my date of birth. Except the year of my birth was off.

"You made me a fake ID!?," I gawked at her.

"Well yeah how else are you supposed to get in?," she replied casually with a shrug of her shoulders.  

  "What if I get caught?," I prompted her, "ever thought of that?." It took her a moment to ponder my question. 

"I have gave it some thought, but i did research, and they hardly bust people."

"whatever" I muttered under my breath. I took the ID card, and shoved it into my jeans pocket. It was our turn in line. Kira stepped before me and showed one of the guards her ID. He unhooked the red rope, and let her through. My turn. I walked up to the guards. They toward above me, tattoos covered their neck's and arms. 

"Your ID?"  The guard on the left said gruffly. With shaking hands I quickly drew out the ID card, and handed it to him. I silently prayed that he wouldn't bust me. I stood there, as he took a few minutes to look it over. 

"Alright she's clear let her through," he addressed the guard on the right. He gave me back my ID. When the rope lifted admitting me entrance I gladly rushed through and into the club. 

When I stepped inside the club it was another world. Music blared I could feel the base deep inside me.  The lights were off and strobe lights flashed in and out of sweaty grinding bodies. The bar was off to the side against the wall. I tried to search for Kira, but I couldn't find her. It was so hot in here I was already sweating. It was like a sauna. I headed towards the bar thinking it was my best bet. 

When I had finally managed to reach the bar; I sat down on a bar stool. The bartender; a man with a cleanly shaved head and a nice fitted shirt, smiled at me.

"What would you like my dear?," He asked me.

"Just a water please," I replied sweetly. He looked at me funny for a second before grabbing me a water. The heat from the bar was taking a toll on me my mouth felt like a cotton ball. When the bartender slid the glass of water towards me, I said a quick thanks before i downed it. 

I Didn't really know what to do, so I just sat there hoping Kira would find me. After  about ten minutes of waiting I felt somebody slid onto the bar stool beside mine. 

"What's a gorgeous girl like you sitting by yourself?," The voice was smooth like honey I felt attracted to it. I turned to my right. My blood drained from my face. It was like I was staring at a ghost. The guy  sitting there  looked no older then me he had light brown hair and blue eyes. He was the boy from my dream. I felt a very strong connection to him. I wanted to throw myself at him. 

That's when it hit me. 

This guy was not only the guy from my dream.

He was the wolf from the Shadow Night's pack.

My mate.

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