Riley X Fred

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Riley Potter is Harry Potter's older sister. They went to the Burrow for Christmas. "Dinner is ready!" Mrs. Weasley called from the bottom of the stairs.

It sounded like a stampede coming down the stairs, but no, it's teenagers.

"Ron, leave some for everyone else!" Mrs. Weasley scolded Ron because he was shoving food in his mouth like he wasn't going to be able to eat ever again. Everyone laughed and they sat down.

Fred kept throwing peas at Riley's face, so she threw some back. They laughed and stopped. Everyone finished eating, so they played music like they usually do on Christmas night.

Mrs. Weasley played some music and started dancing with Mr. Weasley. Fred walked over to Riley. "Would you like this dance m'lady?" Fred asked in a posh voice. Riley giggled and took his hand.

"I would love to sir." Riley said back in a posh voice. They started dancing and they danced under the doorway. "You're under the mistletoe!" Ginny squealed and everyone stopped dancing.

"Kiss! Kiss!" George exclaimed and burst out laughing. Riley looked at Fred and blushed. They leant in slowly and kissed. A camera went off and they snapped their heads up to see Mrs. Weasley smiling widely.

Everyone went to bed, but Riley sat on the couch. "Hey Riley." Fred said as he sat next to her. Riley blushed.

"So, do you want to go on a date with me next week?" Fred asked. "I would love too Fred." Riley smiled and Fred kissed her. Riley kissed back and smiled.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" Riley asked Fred. "Yeah." He said and they walked to his room. They laid down on his bed. "Night Riley." Fred said and kissed her forehead. "Goodnight Fred." Riley replied and smiled.

This was requested by the amazing bookishfangirl200!!!!! Everyone go follow her because she's awesome!!!!! I hope you like this!!!! If not, then I can always do another one!!!! ❤️

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