Samantha X Fred X George

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     "Sam!" Samantha (Sam) turned around to see her two favorite people in the world running towards her. "Fred! George!" She yelled and ran towards them, engulfing them in a hug.

     She hadn't seen them all summer since she had to go to Ireland to visit some family. "How have you been?" They both asked at the same time. "Great, how about you two?" She asked smiling.

     "Fantastic!" They said in sync again. They all laughed and got on the Hogwarts Express. They sat down in the compartment and started talking. "So, who are we going to prank first?" Sam asked mischievously.

     "Let's prank Filch at Hogwarts." Fred suggested and they nodded.


     Fred, George, and Sam ran as fast as they could to hide from Filch. They had just set off a prank that made him smell like dungbombs for a week an  they made his hair and skin pink for a whole week.

     Fred pulled Sam and George into a small hiding place that was kind of like a closet, that even Filch didn't know about.

     It was small in the place, so they were really close. Sam felt someone's hand on her lower back. "'s really small in here." Sam laughed slightly and shifted. They were all blushing madly.

     George's hand brushed against her hand and it sent sparks through him and her. Fred was pressed against Sam and they blushed, realizing that they were both really close. "I think he's gone." Sam whispered and opened the small door. She fell out and quickly crawled out.

      They all walked to the Great Hall for dinner, blushing furiously.

This was requested by the amazing samtrue0321!!! Go follow her and read her books cause she's awesome! Anyways, I hope you like this one shot, if not then you can always request another one!!!

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