Chapter 2 - Universal

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Julie's POV

My dad got into the driver's seat, I was in the passenger's seat, Sammy, Ally and Jess sat in the three back seats and Dylan and Josh sat in the two middle row seats.

"Perfect amount of seats!" My dad says smiling.

I smile at him and stare at his face. It's nice to see him smile. I don't get to see him that often and when I do, he's usually stressed about work. I miss his smile and it feels so comforting when he shows his beautiful pearly whites that remind me of my childhood when mom was around and we would all sing, dance and laugh with each other.

I turned on the radio and 'Roar' by Katy Perry came on. I start dancing in my seat and singing all the words out loud with everyone else, even my dad.

The hour car ride was over so fast. We all jump out of the car and walk through the parking lot to get to City Walk where all the resturants are.

(for those of you that don't have to walk through 'City Walk' to get to the parks. And Universal is split into two different parks 'Islands of Adventure' which has are more roller coasters and 'Universal' which has more simulator rides.)

We head to Islands of Adventure. Once we get to the entrance, we hand the lady our tickets, she scans our fingers and we entered the park.

"Hello, can you take our picture?" I ask one of the workers.

"It would be my plesure." She replies kindly.

We all squeeze together and stand in front of the Islands of Adventure sign for the picture. We all smile as she took the picture and handed my phone back to me.

"Thank you so much!" I thank her.

"No problem, have a wonderful day." She replies with a smile.

I smile as a looked at the picture. I open my instagram app and post it, tagging, Dylan, Josh, Sammy, Jess and Ally all in the picture. They all looked at their phones as they got a notification stating they were tagged in my photo. They like my picture and we all put our phones away.

"What ride would we go on first?" I dad asks.

"Hulk!" Josh, Dylan and I all yell.

"I'm okay with that." Ally shruggs and Jess and Sammy nod.

"Let's go!" My dad yells as he begins to run to the line.

"Only five minutes!" Josh shouts smiling.

We all run through the line and get onto the ride almost immediately.

My dad walked accross the row of rollercoater seats and site in the last one, I sit next to him, Josh next to me and then Dylan at the end.

In the rollercoaster seats behind us are, Sammy, Jess and Ally, with another random girl.

"I'm so excited!" I whisper with Josh.

"Me too." He agrees.

The coaster starts moving forward slowly. We start to move up the slight hill.

"Everything looks good!" Hulk shouts out of the speakers. "I think..." He hesitates, "I think this time, it's going to work!" He shouts.

Right after Hulk stops talking we shoot forward, out of the tunnle and spin in a loop sideways. We all scream as we go down the the hill and then back up into a loop that leads into two other loops that lead you thorugh a short tunnle but the water.

The ride continues with more turns and three more loops.

The ride comes to a stop.

I can't stop laughing.

"You okay?" Dylan asks me while smirking at me.

"I...don't...know..." I say in between laughs.

We get off the ride and I finally stop laughing.

We walk down the ramp that leads to the picture area. We look up at the screen and we all laugh at our pictures. Sammy was screaming, Jess was smiling, and Ally had her face all scrunched up and her eyes tightly closed. Dylan, Josh, my dad and I were all smiling and I look terrible.

"Let's go purchase them." My dad says. I clap my hands and we walk over to the picture counter. My dad hands the women $40 and she prints off our pictures. My dad placed the pictures in his bag. We thank her and walk out.

"What's next?" Dylan asks.

"I think Sammy and Ally should pick, since they didn't seem to like that ride that much." I laugh.

"Good idea." Josh agrees with me.

"Lets go on Spiderman." Ally suggests.

"Yeah." Sammy agrees.

We walk over to Spiderman.

"Fourty-five minutes?!" We all gasp.

"Geez." I sigh.

"It's okay. We have the whole day to do other rides." My dad says walking into line. We run to catch up with him and wait in line.

After fourty-five minutes of waiting in line, a man hands us our 3D glasses. He moved his eyes, looking up and down my body and winks at me. Thankfully my dad didn't see, but Dylan did.

"Don't mess with her." He says harshly through his teeth. Dylan wraps his arm around my waist and we hurry onto the ride, catching up with everyone else.

Him and I aren't dating for anything. We're just really good friends. He is very attractive, and we did go out for a short amount of time, but broke up after a week cause it was awkward and we just wanted to be friends.


We got off of the Spiderman ride and I stumbled over me feet from being a bit dizzy.

"You okay?" Josh laughs.

"Yeah, 3D rides make me dizzy." I answer laughing as I regain my balance.

"I saw we go to 'Doctor Doom'." Dylan suggests.

"Oh my gosh! Yes!" I agree already running towards to ride entrance.

They follow behind me as I crawl under all the bars instead of walking through the line.

They follow behind me and I stop once I reach the end if the line.

"It's not to long." I say out of breath.

"It smells really bad in here." Sammy complains. But we all agree.

After about 15 minutes we get to the front of the line.

Sammy, Jess, Ally and I head over to door number one on the right. The boys and my dad walk past us to get to door number two.

The doors open slowly. We sit down in the seats and pull to body-bars down over us and buckled out seat belts.

We look up and see smoke rising from the roof, signaling we were going to shot up soon.

In a matter of seconds I feel the wind push against the top of my head as we fly up and then down.

We all scream throughout the entire 'ride'. We enjoy the view of the entire part though. From the top of the ride you are able to see palm trees that cover most of the park, along with dollar coasters popping through.

"That was fun!" I say as we all unbuckle our belts and push the bar over our heads.

"Yeah, I like that ride." Jess agrees.

We walk out of the exit which leads us to the game room and we wait for the guys.


The rest if the day was really fun. It all went by so fast. We didn't get to go over to Universal, so we were going to go to Universal for a little bit tomorrow, and then come back to Islands of Adventure since it has more things to do.

"That was so fun." Josh says falling onto the couch.

"Yes!" Everyone agrees.

"I'm glad you guys had fun. Come eat some dinner and then I think we should all go to bed since we have a long day tomorrow too." My dad suggests.

We all walk to the small kitchen in our hotel room and eat the food my dad picked up from McDonalds.

I ate my chicken nuggets and fries. Immediately regretting it, as I got a bunch of gas and a huge cramp.

I went to the room Jess, Sammy and Ally were all sharing.

There were two queen sized beds, Jess and I on one and Sammy and Ally share the other bed.

In the over room, Josh and Dylan share a bed and my dad got a bed to himself.

Not fair.


hope you enjoyed chapter 2!

thank you for reading!


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