Chapter 23 - England

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Julie's POV

I finish taking my quick shower and dry off my body with a towel. I step out of the shower and slip on my clothes.

Jess knocks on the door and I let her in.

We both do our makeup and hair together. She helps me french braid my hair and I do help do hers.

"I like you outfit, it look comfortable." she says.

"Thanks, I like yours too." I compliment.

I examine my outfit in the mirror. I have a pair of black leggings on, a coral pink v-neck shirt with a sweat jacket tied around my waist, just in case it gets cold.

I walk out of the bathroom and into my room. I slide on my TOMS and grab my suitcase and pull it down the stairs. I place my case by the front door and walk to the kitchen to see Jess' mom.

"Hello Mrs. Dallas." I greet Jess' mom.

"Hello!" she cheers. "Jules, darling. Could you get me the sugar?" she asks.

"Of coarse." I say. I walk to the lazy Susan cabinet and pull out the glass jar full of sugar. I've been friends with Jess for so long, I know where everything in her house belongs. Sometimes her mom asks if I know where some things go.

I hand Mrs. Dallas the sugar. She continues to make the batter for the pancakes and I sit on the bar stool in front of the counter.

"Do you need any help?" I ask.

"No, dear. Thank you for asking." she smiles.

About five minutes later Jess joins me on the second bar stool and Mrs. Dallas sets our pancakes in front of us.


"I'll miss you girls so much!" Mrs. Dallas says pulling both Jess and I into a tight hug.

"I'll miss you too mom." Jess says.

"Thank you for dropping us off." I thank Mrs. Dallas.

"No problem, sweetheart." she says. Mrs. Dallas' hugs are almost as good as Niall's. Almost.

After saying goodbye to Jess' mom, we finally start the whole process to get onto the plane. We are now sitting at Gate 45, waiting to board the plane.

"First class flyers please come up." the cheery women's voice says through the speakers.

"That's us." I tell Jess.

"Your dad got us first class?" she says shocked.

"Yeah." I smile.

We get in the line with all the other first class riders. Soon, it is our turn to have our tickets scanned. I hand my ticket to the flight attendant and she scans it.

"I'm sorry, but your ticket is not for first class." she says softly.

"Um, okay, can you check her's?" I ask, pointing to Jess who's behind me. The lady nods and I step out of the way for Jess to hand her the ticket.

"Her's is first class." the women says.

"Oh, okay." I mumble. Jess frowns at me and boards the plane.

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience with your friend." the women says to me. "But I'll let you go on now so you can take your seat, since your ticket is already scanned." she says. I thank her and go through the long hallway that leads to the plane. I step on, pulling my suit case behind me. I walk through the small walkway of the plane, walking past the first class flyers. I see Jess and smile at her.

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