Chapter 3 - Surprise

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Julie's POV

I get out of bed and to the bathroom feeling like a dead zombie. I wash my face and brush my teeth. I apply my regular makeup and put my cheetah print bikini top on with a white muscle t-shirt and high-waisted shorts.

I feel so hipster.

I walk into the living room of the hotel room.

We walk out if the hotel room and into the cafeteria / resturant area to get breakfast.

I walk over and grab some fruit, orange juice and two pancakes with syrup.

Once we finish our food we walk up to the hotel and grab all our suitcases. We put them in the back out our car and check out of the hotel and head to the parks.

We walk through City Walk and head towards Universal. It is 9:00 and the park just opened. The lady at the front scans our cards and our fingers and we enter to park. We decide to go to the Despicable Me ride so that we get on it before the huge rush of people come since it is the most popular ride.

The ride ends and we are all a little disappointed since its wasn't that exciting.

We head over to Rip Ride Rocket which has always been my favorite roller coaster at Universal. But Hulk is my favoite ride at Islands of Adventure.

We walk into the line and wait for 10 minutes until we walk onto the ride.

Dylan and I have front row next to each other.

We pull the heavy lap bars over our laps and a worker pulls on them to make sure they are secure. I look at the small screen on my lap bar and scroll through the music. I pick 'Pump It' by the Black Eyed Peas.

The music starts playing as the ride starts moving forward. Slowly we move straight up. I feel like I'm going to fall out. I grab Dylan's hand as we continued to go straight up. He laughs as we get to the top. Suddenly we drop and go almost straight down. We do a couple turns and then go up the one loop. Dylan and I let go of each others hands and raised them is the air.

"Pump it! Louder! Pump it! Louder!" the music plays in my ears. Dylan laughs as he sings along to 'Funky Town'.

We exit the ride and walk down the stairs and Dylan and I go to a screen, scrolling through all the photos until we found ours. I click on it and laugh at our faces. An icon pops up saying 'watch video now!'. I click on it and it brings us to another screen that plays the video of us on the ride. As the video plays I watch while laughing at Dylan and I making ugly faces as we scream on the ride.

The video finishes and we purchas all of our the photos and videos to save as memories.

We walk out and decide there was nothing else we wanted to do at Universal so we walk over to Islands of Adventure. It's only 10:30.

We give the women our tickets, she scans them and our fingers and we entered the park. We decide to go straight to The Wizording World of Harry Potter. It's pretty crowded since it is summer now, and Hogwarts (Harry Potter World) is the most popular part of the park.

We get onto the Harry Potter simulator ride. We waited about 30 minutes in the line, which wasn't too bad. We played hand games while in the line and tried to teach the games to Dylan and Josh.

Once we get on the ride, we seperate into two groups since only four people can sit in each seat. Josh, Jess, Ally and I get on first cart and Dylan, my dad and Sammy got onto the cart next one after us.

It feel like you are actually flying but the 3D affects are making me dizzy.

"I'm so dizzy." Sammy says once we get off the ride.


The rest of the day was really fun.

"It's 9:00." My dad informs. "The park is about to close."

"Okay, but can we get buttbeer before we have to leave?" I ask.

He nods and we run back to Harry Potter world to get seven buttbeers.

My dad takes my phone and we all possed in front of the butterbeer cart for a picture. My dad snaps the picture and we walk out of the park and to our car.

"Thanks dad." I smile.

"Yeah, thanks Mr. Jones." Dylan says politly.

My dad nods and we all get in the car.

I'm so tired. My eyes are heavy and I begin to drift off to sleep in the car.

I'm slowly awaken by the feeling of arms wrapped around me. I open my eyes to see Josh smiling at me.

I slap his arm and glarre at him as he continues to wink at me.

Josh is nice, funny, cute, but such a player sometimes.

He carries me upstairs and places me on my bed.

"Thanks, Josh." I whisper before falling asleep again.


I open my eyes and look at my clock.

"12:00?" I say to myself. "Wow, I didn't know I could sleep in that long."

I walk downstairs and see my dad pacing the room while on the phone.

"Yes, of coarse they can stay with us. I'd love to have them on the team." He says into the phone.

I sit on the couch and stare at him. He notices me and his eyes widen.

"Alright. I'm going to have to go now." He says into the phone before hanging up.

"Who was that? Who's staying with us?" I ask.

"You aren't going to belive it..." My dad trails off. "Please don't freak out."

I give him a weird look, still highly confused.

"The boys of One Direction heard of me and are joining my team. They will be staying with us." My dad smiles.

"NO WAY!?" I yell jumping off the couch and continue to jump up and down throwing my arms in different directions.

He nods and laughs at my excitment.


sorry for this boring chapter..

updating soon!

vote, comment, follow <3


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