Chapter 11 - It's not your fault

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Julie's POV

"The food last night was amazing, I had a lot of fun on our date." I say to Niall while we both continue to eat our cereal. He stares at the wall. His hair is messy from sleeping. "You okay?" I ask nudging his shoulder, snapping him out of his stare.

"W-what?" he asks.

"I had fun last night, thank you." I repeat. He nods and continues to eat his cereal, not saying anything. "You okay?" I ask worried. He nods. "No you aren't. Just tell me what's bothering you." I order.

"It's not your fault, Jules!" he yells causing me to jump. He stands up and walks into the kitchen, nearly throwing his empty cereal bowl into the sink. He walks out of the kitchen, past me, and up stairs, slamming his bedroom door behind him.

His words ring through my head, over and over. Bringing back painful memories.

"It's not your fault."

"What was that about, Jules?" Louis asks coming down the stairs.

"Oh, um, I'm not sure." I answer.

"Don't worry about it." Liam joins the conversation. I give them a small smile and shrug. I put my bowl into the sink and walk up stairs slowly replaying the currant events.

I walk past Niall's room and into mine. I shut to door and flop my body onto my bed.

I scream, letting out all my emotions into my pillow.

***flash back***

"Jules? Are you okay?" A deep voice speaks from behind my door.

I get up and run to the door.

"Where's mom?" I ask, still crying.

"She's in a better place." my dad speaks quietly.

"No..." I trail off.

"It's not your fault, Jules."

"Yes it was!" I yell before slamming the door shut and nearly throwing myself into the wall.

***end of flash back***

The painful memory of my dad's words, run through my head, making me angry. My mom is gone and it is my fault, meaning my dad lied. Then the words from Niall reapeat over and over. Niall was mad and I don't know why. Niall's words were the same words my dad use to always say. Is Niall lying too? Is it my fault, for whatever he is mad about?


After many hours in my room alone, doing nothing. Someone knocks on my door.

"What do you want?" I ask.

The door opens slowly revealing Jess' face. I give her a small smile. She walks over and sits on the bed next to me.

"I decided to come by, to congratulate you and Niall. Sammy, Ally, Josh, Dylan and I were all watching the interview. We were all quite shocked when Niall revealed you, as his new girlfriend." Jess says with a smile. "Liam told me you guys weren't talking. What happened?" she asks.

I tell her the everything about last night and about the waiter, and that maybe that is why he is mad. I told her what happened this morning and the words he had used that brought back painful memories. I told her that I believe it's my fault.

"Jules..." she trails off giving me a sympathetic smile. "It's not your fault." she says.

"That's what my dad said about my mom's death, but it was my fault." I say coldly.

"You know it wasn't." she replies.

"Then who's was it?" I ask.

"It was...." she trails off.

"Exactly." I say bringing my focus onto my hands in my lap.

She stands up. "You have a game today, so cheer up. You get to take all your anger out on the ball. The gang and I will be there! We can't wait."

(the 'gang' is Sammy, Ally, Josh, Dylan and Jess)

I give her a small smile as she gives me a small hug and walks out of my room.

"See you tonight!" she yells walking down the stairs.

I stand up and walk towards the door to close it. I began closing it but it wouldn't shut.

"What the fuck?" I mumble under my breath and I noticed the hand in the door, preventing it from closing. I open the door and see Niall who was now shaking his hand, as if that would help the pain. "Oh, sorry." I appoligize.

"It's not your fault." he says. Seriously? How many times can that sentance be used in one day towards me? Apparently, a lot.

"Yes, it was." I say. He shakes his head and steps into my room, closing the door behind him. "What did I do?" I say and my voice cracks.

"It's not your fault." he says.. Seriously?? Again?

"Then please exlplain." I say.

"It's just that, my mom was out in public with some of her friends, apparently, she got mobbed and is now in the hospital with a broken wrist or something." Niall explains.

I want to laugh at the story he just told me, but I could tell he is pretty upset about it, so I bit my tongue to prevent my laughter.

"That's not your fault. And you should have told me, instead of leaving me here to think I did somthing." I say.

He nods. I pull him into my body and squeeze my arms around his back. My stumach flutters as he squeezes harder so my body is pussed against his. I kiss him on the cheek and he releases the hug.

"If it's just a broken wirst, then everything is going to be okay, don't beat yourself up about it." I say.

He brings his lips onto mine. The kiss that I've wanted all day. The kiss I accidentally complimented him on last night on our date. The kiss that gave me feelings I've never felt before. The kiss that made me feel safe. The kiss that makes my feelings for Niall grow stronger and stronger.


Btw, details on why Julie thinks her mom's death was her fault, will come in future chapters.

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