Chapter 32 - bowling

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This chapter is kind of rushed because I'm too excited to write the next chapter!! haha

Julie's POV

After another hour or two of hanging out with Cara, she drops Jess and I off at the club that we went to Friday night.

"Bye, Cara." I give her a hug.

"I'll see you soon." she says. "I'm coming to America soon, I'll make sure to take a trip to Florida." she says.

"Sounds great."

"Bye Jess." Cara gives Jess a hug goodbye too.

After saying our goodbyes I pull my keys out of my pocket and walk around the parking lot to find my car. I don't quite remember where I parked.

"Found it!" Jess calls. I jog my way over the her and smile at my car. I'm thankful that I hadn't parked in on of the twenty-four hour parking spots, because if I would have, my car would have been towed last night.

I get into the drivers seat, Jess in the passenger seat and I pull out my phone.

"Whatcha doin?" Jess asks.

"Texting Jack and Finn to see where they want to meet." I answer.


After getting responses from Jack and Finn, I make my way to the neighborhood they gave me directions to.

I pull into the driveway of a small, cozy-looking house. Getting out of the car, Jess and I walk up to the font door.

"Hey!" Jack answers the door. "Come on in." he steps to the side of the door frame for us to walk in. "How's your trip been?" he asks.

"It's been alright." Jess answers. "We havn't done much." she adds.

"So do you guys want to go do something fun?" Finn asks as he enters the room.

"Uh, yeah." I answer.

"Alright, there's this really cool bowling place down the road." Jack says.

"Okay, sounds great."

I get back into my car with Jess and follow Jack and Finn's car to the bowling place.

Once we arrive at the bowling alley, we pay and pick out our shoes and bowling balls.

"These are like clown shoes." Jess says and we all laugh.

I walk onto the wood area of the lane and slide on my shoes. "I feel like I'm ice skating." I laugh.

Finn takes his ball and steps in front our lane. Swinging his arm back and then forward to release, the ball glides down the lane just to fall into the gutter.

"Aw man!" Finn grunts as the rest of us laugh.


Niall's POV

"Guys, please!" I beg.

"No, we're not going to 'coincidentally' run into Julie at the bowling alley." Liam says.


"You need to be able to trust her." Harry says.

"I do but-"

"Stop with the buts, man." Louis chuckles.

"I trust her, I'm just...jealous." I admit.

"Yeah, I'm sure she was jealous that you're technically still with Barbara." Harry says.

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