Chapter 7 - Date

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Niall's POV

*next night*

I just finish getting ready for Julie and I's date. Yesterday was full of unneeded drama. But I'm glad she's giving me a chance. Hopefully this date will go good and she'll want to be my girlfriend.

Julie walks down the stairs in a casual outfit like I told her. She's wearing a pair of high-waisted shorts and a tye-dye crop top and some high-tops. Her hair is in a messy bun.

"You look amazing." I say staring at her.

"Oh, stop." she teases. "You do too."

We walk out of the house and she hops into the driver's seat in the SUV and I get into the passenger's seat. I would have offered to drive, but I have no idea how to drive a car in America.

We pull into the parking lot at the mall and walk into the cinema. We get two tickets to see the movie Purge.

"Why are we seeing this?" Jules asked.

"Because it's scary." I say.

"Isn't that why we shouldn't watch it?" she says laughing.

"No, because if you get scared, I'll be here to protect you." I say and she smiles while rolling her eyes at me.

We walk up to the theater and buy some popcorn and one large coke to share. I did that on purpose.

The movie is half way over.

"Niall." Jules whispers nervously. "I'm scared." She says.

I nod and she comes onto my lap. I wrap my arms around her. She leans her head in the crook of my neck and begins to wiggle around to get comfortable.

"Don't do that." I whisper.

"What?" She asks still wiggling around in my lap.

"Stop wiggling, I mean it." I say, she laughs loudly understanding I was getting horny from her wiggling.

People 'shhh' her from all around.


"Let's go." She says as the movie ends.

I nod and we walk out of the mall.

"Let's walk around for a bit." I suggest. I grab her hand and we start to walk to a park. I stop walking when we got to a fountain that is in the middle of the park. "Jules?" I ask pulling her closer to me.


"Would you be my girlfriend?" I ask nervously.

"Niall, I don't know if I--" she start to say.

I pull her against me and press my lips to hers, she kisses back. My tongue grazes over her bottom lip and she declines my request. I put my arms around her back, pulling her front against me. She reaches her hands around my neck and plays with my hair in her fingers. My tongue meets her lip again and she declines again. I reached down to her thigh, squeezing slightly, causing her to squeal into the kiss. I take the opportunity to slide my tongue into her mouth, exploring around. She moans and I smiled into the kiss. She breaks the kiss and covers her mouth in embarrassment.

"I moaned... Oh my god." she says with her eyes wide. I laugh at her reaction.

"It's okay, I think it's cute." I say. Her cheeks fill with a rosy pink color. "You're cute when you blush." I add.

She blushes more.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I ask again.

"Niall..." She trails off.

"Did you feel nothing in that kiss?" I ask.

"No, I liked it but--"

"Then be my girlfriend." I insist.

"Fine." She gives in. I pick her up and spin her around. As I put her down, her lips meet mine leading to short passionate kiss. She breaks away and smiles brightly. We walk back to the car, her hand never leaving mine and drive home.

By now it was 10:00 and everyone is already asleep.

"I'm going to see if my dad is home." She says running up the stairs. A minute later she runs half way down the stairs and motions me to come up. She leads me into her room and we both lay down and turn on the big TV on her wall. We watched Sam & Cat which is an alright TV show, it was kind of kiddish, I guess.

I look at the clock, 10:30 it reads.

I turn so I'm laying on my side and stare at my...girlfriend. She turns on her side to face me. I pecked her lips pulled her closer to me. I wrap my arms around her back and she lays her head on my chest.

"Why did you have to check to see if your dad was here?" I ask.

"Because if he was here, then you would have to sleep in your room. He would kill me and you if he saw. No matter what I say, he would think we did it." Julie says.

Quickly we both fall asleep after talking about movies and shows that we like and dislike.

**in the morning**

I wake up and Julie is gone. I panic and jump out of bed. I walk out in the hallway, running into someone, Julie.

"What are you doing babe?" I ask.

"Sorry, I went to get a drink of water and was coming back to lay with you." She says.

I lead her back into bed and we cuddle together. Her arms wrapped around my back, mine wrapped around her's and our chests pressed together. Our legs tangled, but comfortable.

"Thank you." she whispers.

"For what?" I ask.

"Convincing me to be your girlfriend." She replies. I nod and hold her tighter.

After an hour of cuddling in silence we decide to finally get out of bed. I pull out my phone and take a selfie of Jules and I. I post it on instagram, and then twitter. I didn't say she was my girlfriend, I didn't even add any caption at all. But loads of people commented. I didn't want to publicly announce our relationship yet. It's only been 12 hours of being a couple anyways, plus I have to tell Simon before anyone else.


YAYYY<3 they're together!


So, did anyone else hear all the relationship rumors?!?!
Like Eleanor and Louis BROKE UP?!
Gemma Styles and Ashton Irwin are DATING now?!

I don't have anything against Sophia, but Danielle and Liam ARE MEANT TO BE TOGETHER <3



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