Chapter 18 - pink cruiser

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Julie's POV

*next morning*

I wake up, realizing that I fell asleep in the car after being at the hospital yesterday so I didn't get to eat anything.

I stand from my bed and feel dizzy. My stomach growls and I move towards my door. I open the door and nearly trip over my feet. I slowly walk down the stairs and everyone is down stairs watching TV. They look at me as I slowly walk down each step.

"You okay?" Harry asks.

"I-I'm hungry a-a-and d-dizzy." I stutter on my words as I try and focus on each step without falling.

"Here let me help." Harry quickly stands to his feet and meets me towards the middle of the stair case. He picks me up bridal style and carries me down the rest of the way and then takes me to the kitchen.

"T-Thank y-you." I stutter on my words again, trying hard not to pass out.

"You really need to eat." Harry says with panic in his tone. He quickly hands me a cheese stick and I eat it quickly. "You need more, but it will take a while for your dizziness to go away, since it will take a while for your food to settle." he explains and I nod. He hands me a turkey sandwich and I eat the whole thing.

"Someone's a hungry hippo." Harry says poking my cheek like I'm a little kid. I smile and my eyesight clears slightly. I blink quickly, as if that will bring my eyesight back to normal. "You need more food?" he asks and I nod.

He hands me another sandwich and I eat it all.

"Where did you get all these sandwiches?" I ask and laugh.

"I don't know..." he says and laughs.


I wake up three hours later in my bedroom. I quickly remember being so dizzy and hungry this morning. I remember how horrible I felt, but I'm feeling much better.

However, there is still a pain in my chest that won't go away and I don't know if it ever will.

"Heartbreak sucks." I say over the phone to Dylan when he answers his phone.

"Uhm, yes, it does." he says and laughs. "Are you okay?" he asks.

"I don't think so." I admit.

"I'll be over in 5 minutes." he says.

"No! I'll come to you, or we can meet somewhere." I suggest and he agrees. I hang up and walk down stairs.

"Bye, guys, I'll be home tonight and I'll make dinner." I tell them. "Feel free to swim and do whatever you'd like." I say and smile. My smile disappears when I meet to eyes of the boy who I am in love with. I feel my heart drop as he looks away from me, hurt clear in his gaze.

"Okay, where are you going?" Liam asks.

"Oh, just need to get out." I whisper and sigh louder than expected. I look at Niall one more time and he pets the dog. "Also, if you don't mind, could you feed the dogs?" I ask.

"Yeah, I will." Niall says, walking past me to my dad's office.

"It'll be okay." Liam assures me and I shrug.

I walk towards the door. "Thanks, Niall." I say as I walk past my dad's office where he is currently feeding my dogs in. He nods without looking at me and I want to cry, but I've cried to way too much lately and I can't seem to stop.

I get in my car and begin to pull out of the driveway when I stop. I get out of the car and open the garage. I look through the things I haven't used in forever when I come across a baby pink beach cruiser bike. I pull it out of the garage and stradle the seat and start riding it. I close the garage and ride my bike 3 miles to get to Dylan's house.

(picture of Julie's bike is to the side -----> )

"Hey! Nice bike!" Dylan says as I pull into his driveway on my bike.

"Thanks." I try to smile but fail.

Dylan doesn't say anything as I get off my bike and put down the kickstand. I turn to him and can't handle it anymore. A tear falls from my eye and he frowns. He takes quick steps towards me and embraces me in a tight and comforting hug. I cry into his shoulder as he strokes my hair.

"It's okay, it's okay." he whispers against my hair.

*two hours later*

"I love you, Julie, I'm here for you." he says before I leave.

"I love you Dylan, so much. Thank you." I give him one more big hug and squeeze him tight. I walk out his front door and climb onto my bike.

I ride to a nearby grocery store and buy some groceries that will help me prepare the food for tonight.

I walk through the aisles and grab things that I may need.

When I'm done shopping a quickly pay for my items and exit the store.

I scan the bike rack for my bike...

But it's not there.

I huff under my breath and I feel the urge to cry.

Why am I always wanting to cry all the time now?

The ache in my chest, quickly reminds me why I want to cry.

I hold the two large bags of groceries in my hands and start to walk home.


You're home!" my dad cheers and greets me with a hug as I enter the house.

I roll my eyes and place the two large bags full with groceries onto the kitchen counter.

I walk into the living room and sit on the ground, next to the couch filled with five boys.

They all look at me and I give them a small smile.

"You were gone for a while." Louis points out.

"Yeah, I had to walk." I shrug.

"Why?" Zayn asks.

"Well, I rode my bike to Dylan's house-" I start but am cut off.

"What were you doing there?" Niall butts in.

"I needed someone to talk to..." I trail off.

The boys look in between Niall and I, obviously feeling awkward.

"So after, I rode my bike to the grocery store to pick up some food I needed to make dinner tonight. Well, I finished shopping and walked out of the bike was gone, stolen." I finish. Louis and Harry burst into laughter, as Liam and Zayn look completely serious. Niall sits there, emotionless, staring at the TV.

"I'm sorry Jules." Liam says.

"It's okay, I'm going to start making dinner now." I stand up and walk to the kitchen. I find my did in the kitchen, putting away all my groceries. "Thank you." I say and he nods. He kisses me on the cheek and walks out if the kitchen, up to his room.

I pull out the few things I need to start the meal and hear footsteps enter the kitchen. I turn around to see Niall.

"Hey." I say and my voice cracks.

"Hey." Niall replies and plays with his hands.

"Did you...want to help?" I ask.

"Yeah, actually." he says and I nod.

"You can pull out the loaf of bread and put it in the oven the toast. Then, you can start chopping the carrots and put them in the steamer to make them soft. Once you so that, add butter and cinnamon sugar into the carrots, and also add butter to the bread." I ramble on.

"Okay, okay!" he teases and laughs. I snicker and continue to add noodles into the bowling water and make the marinara sauce.

"Shit! Fuck! Bloody Hell!" Niall curses and I quickly turn around to see him holding his hand that is covered in blood. He drops the knife and I rush to help him.

"Oh my god! What happened?" I panic.

"I cut my hand, or finger, I don't remember." he says.

"Oh my god, that's a lot of blood.... BOYS!" I yell and they all run into the kitchen.

"Holy crap! What happened?" Liam panics and rushes over to us.

"Doesn't matter, we need to get him to the hospital. He's loosing a lot of blood, he doesn't even remember where he cut himself." I panic and hold Nialls shoulders.

"He's getting dizzy, we need to go now!" Zayn shouts and picks Niall up.

We run out of the house and I grab my keys and start the car. Liam and Zayn pull Niall into the car and sit with him in the back.

"Harry! There's a towel in the truck, wrap his hand in that!" I shout out and he runs to the trunk.

"Got it!" he shouts and places the towel around Niall's bloody hand.

"Thanks mate." Niall mumbles and closes his eyes.

"Don't close your eyes!" I yell and pull out of my driveway and speed down the road.


"The bone is showing on the side of his finger. He cut really deep and lost a lot of blood and will need surgery for the next two hours to get his finger patched up. It would be best if he spends the night." I doctor explains and my body shivers at the detailed explanation.

"O-Okay." I stutter.

"He'll be fine." Harry ensures.

"I know, b-but, this is all my fault." I cover my face with my hands and slightly pull on my hair in frustration.

"No, it isn't. Please stop blaming everything on yourself." Liam says and removes my hands from my face. I shake my head and walk out of the hospital.

"Where are you going?" Louis asks as they all follow me.

"I can't stay in that hospital any longer." I answer and unlock my car.

I hop into the drivers seat and the boys climb into the back.


"I'll finish dinner." I mumble and walk into the kitchen.

I clean up the blood and knife and throw away the carrots.


didn't see that comin...


what's your favorite memory from this year?? 




*sings* "I'm on top of the world aye"

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