Chapter 4

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Jungkook Pov


"Jungkook don't lie to me. I know you aren't. Just let me please see you.", practically begged Jimin from the other side of the bathroom stall door. I could hear him on the verge of tears and I needed to just let him in or he would go tell everyone and I couldn't have that happen.

I just paled even more at the thought of everyone seeing me like this. They'd all be so disappointed in me and I know I wouldn't be able to handle the fact of any of them crying or being disgusted at me over this, especially Tae. That would break me even more then I already am. Seeing the face Jimin will have when he sees is going to be bad enough already.

I quickly tried to make sure there is no blood on the floor or anywhere visible on me with my pant leg down already. I then let out a quiet sigh filled with pain and exhaustion, flicked the latch on the door, and went to the corner of the now seemingly small stall, trying to be as far away from Jimin when he opened the door as possible. Don't get me wrong, Jimin is one of my Best Friends but I've never shared anything like this before with anyone and I hadn't been planning on it either.

As soon as the stall door opened to reveal a hesitant and very concerned Jimin, I tensed up and went even paler, if it was even possible, with tears brimming my eyes again. Jimin finally spoted me in the corner and started toward me before I could stop him not really wanting him touch me at the moment.

"P-please Jimin, you've se-seen me, now please l-leave." I say, mentally cursing myself for stuttering. I took in the look of hurt that crossed his face before going back to the concerned hesitant one from only seconds ago.

"I am not leaving until I get to see your knee that has been obviously hurting you badly." He said taking another cautious step toward me, causing me try to take another step backward. I felt the back of my knee hit the wall sending a sharp pain throughout my whole leg. I tried to lift it off the wall but only gasped as my other leg buckled sending me to the floor in pain. The worst part was I landed right onto my knee sending another shot of horrible pain through my body. I braced to feel myself to hit the ground the rest the way but I only feel Jimins arms wrap around my torso to keep me from hitting the ground the rest of the way.

I tried to get out of his grip, but it just got stronger the more I tried.

"Jungkook. Stop struggling. You're just going to hurt yourself more." Jimin's voice sounded thoroughly concerned, yet weird. The realization hit me that it was because he was crying as he spoke and that made me completely stop trying to get out of his grasp. He waited a moment to make sure I had absolutely stopped before loosening his grip around a little.

I started to shift upward onto my back so that I could see his face. It shocked me when I finally did see it and saw that there was a slow stream of tears coming down his face and gliding down his neck, getting the collar of his shirt wet with them. It hurt to know that I was the one causing those tears to spill from his eyes.

I tried to get into a comfortable sitting position where Jimin wasn't the one bearing all my weight, only to be rewarded with another pain throughout my knee. I clamped me eyes shut at the pain, trying not to make it so obvious of how much pain I really was in right now so that I wouldn't have to show him my knee. Though that didn't last too long.

"Kookie, let me take a look at it. I promise I wont make it hurt any more than it already does.", he pleaded at me. I figured he was going to end up making me show him any way that I try to do this so I might of well get it done now and over with, so that he can tell me how disgusting I am, then run off to tell all the others.

"Please Jimin, d-don't make you show you." I tried one last time, even though from just one look into his now drying eyes from where I was still laying over him, that it wouldn't matter what I said he was going to get his way of seeing the knee or he wasn't going to leave.

"Jungkook.", he said not even having to say anything else before I knew I just had to reluctantly give up and except what was about to happen. I  sighed and slowly rolled my pant leg up to about mid-calf before pausing, hesitantly and look up to Jimin. He had a look on his face that showed how relieved he was that he didn't have to argue about this anymore. He looked up and saw me staring before nodding his head toward my leg again, signaling me to keep moving.

I continued moving until I hit the part where the pain was really coming from. I could hear Jimin take an intake of breath before I kept moving to the top of my knee. I could feel the tears already slipping and pain coming from my knee once again but all I could focus on was the fact that if I went too much higher I would be showing all the many scars to Jimin.

The first scar was starting to appear on my thigh and I flicked my eyes up to Jimin's really quickly to see that there were still focused intently on the badly damaged part letting me continue my descent up my leg. I saw the scars slowly appearing on my leg as I showed the whole scrape on my knee, some of them were years old and others had just been done a couple days ago.

I suddenly couldn't hold it in anymore and just let sobs come out of me as Jimin finally rested his eyes on the scars all over my thigh. His eyes widened at the sight probably thinking how disgusting and stupid it was that I did this to my self just to take my mind off all the things that people said to me. I tried to get away from him, but he just held my there with his hands that were on my calf and arm. I didn't really have the energy to try to push them off me either.

I could see one of his hands suddenly come off of my leg and come towards my face and I closed my eyes thinking he was going to punch me or something, but it never came. What did happen though was a hand on my cheek. I flinched away from it, yet it just stayed there. I could here shuffling and then Jimin sitting down next to me.

"Kookie, please look at me." he said slowly, probably to make me not pull away which I couldn't even if I wanted to.

I slowly opened my eyes, letting them readjust to the florescent lights of the bathroom and blinking away the tears that were still brimming my eyes. I looked back into his eyes seeing that he had tears there and that they held pain. He had tears and Pain in his eyes.

Why would he be in pain at this sight? Shouldn't he be trying to get as far away from me as possible while calling me all types of horrible words?

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't realize that he had been talking to me.

"-Jungkook, let me see your arms. " he was saying. His eyes were still crying slightly and they held the same pain in them but now with some confusion mixed in. I decided that it wouldn't even matter if he saw my arms right now, he had already seen what I did, so I cautiously held out my right arm to Jim,knowing I had less damage on that arm than the other. I watched as he pulled up my sleeves and he revealed the cuts that were there. I could hear him take another intake of breath and slowly put his hand that had been on my face onto my elbow.  I was already missing the soothingness that had been there with his hand on my face.

"I-I'm sorry-ry.", I croaked out, my throat hurting from all the crying I was doing.

"Jungkook,", he said throat sounding just as bad as mine, "why are you doing this to yourself?". He had looked up into my eyes again when he had been talking.

"I-I just can't-", I had been cut off by a sound that I had heard not too long ago, but this time it was way worse to hear. It was the bathroom room opening.

"Jungkook, Jimin? Are you in here?" I heard Namjoon saying.



Well that happened....

Question: who's Point Of View would you like me to right next?

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