Chapter 22

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Yoongi's POV (gonna be a relatively short chapter cause I didn't think this is something you would want to read but I wanted to write it so here??~ \(^-^)/~ )


I pushed my back further against the headboard of the bed I was laying on not caring if marks were left on my back from how hard I was making my back push into the intricate wooden carvings on said headboard. My head was in my hands, my fingers rubbing against my temples trying to get rid of the pain currently harboring in my head. I could hear Namjoon, Jin and Hoseok all discussing something that I had no desire to listen to over on the other bed that belonged to Hoseok.

I knew exactly what they were talking about without even needing to be in the conversation anyway; they were talking about Jungkook of course. I mean don't get me wrong I was worried about him too just like they were but I had come to terms with the fact that we weren't gonna get anything out of him or the other two after I had finished talking with Jimin.

I tried coming in here to find peace and quiet, to which I had disappointed in not finding. Recent memories kept swimming around in my head despite my efforts to keep my mind completely blank, all of them involving a certain short person. Sure, I was really concerned about Jungkook just like everyone else was but I couldn't get Jimin off my mind. I was never this concerned about someone yet the way he acted, the way he looked just screamed that something was wrong.

He was usually such a happy, calm, collected person but it seemed that something had knocked down that part of him and he was struggling to keep it up. The sadness held in his eyes and his freaked out expression just showed how bad he was right now. I didn't expect that it was anything wrong with him but the situation that instead had him looking mentally dead. If it was something wrong with himself nobody else would know about it and Taehyung and Jungkook wouldn't be as upset. Jimin was great about hiding things especially when it came to himself. He tried to keep everything to himself until everything became too much, then coming to me broken and upset, sometimes crying and stuttering.

I sighed regretting everything I did in the last 30 minutes, feeling like I was using him earlier when Jin had made me talk to him in the hall, Jin knowing if Jimin was going to tell anybody what was happening it would be me knowing the relationship we had. I did it but I felt guilty the whole time, hating that I was using the 'power' I had on him to try and get him to admit what was wrong. The guilt continually multiplied once he had started to cry silently. And then I just left him. I didn't comfort him like I usually did when he was in that state. I left him. That's probably what I felt the worst about over the persuading and using, the fact that I had used and tried persuading him and then left him crying. It had my heart feeling like shit joining my head in causing me pain.

I sighed once again lifting my head out of my hands and looking towards the ceiling. My head was still pounding and I was in desperate need to find a better quiet place, one that might actually stay quiet this time. I was also needing to find a pain reliever for this headache that wouldn't go away. Swinging my legs off the bed and onto the ground making a thud, making the others look over to me. Jin asked where I was going once I started towards the door but I paid him no attention as I continued to walk towards the door. I was about to open the door, my hand on the metal handle, when it opened on it's own, almost hitting me in the in the face before I quickly stepped back.

I looked up trying to see who had almost hit me with the door, ready to call them a pabo and walk past them. That was until I saw a dark brown and blonde haired person standing in front of me, hand still resting on the doorknob. My eyes glanced over Jimin's body, as if I was unconsciously making sure he hadn't been hurt, before looking at his face. I saw the same mess of a person that I had seen not even 30 minutes before but he seemed to have collected himself a little more, in other words he didn't look like he was about to break down crying but still looked pretty broken. Even if he was trying to hide it he couldn't hide it, I knew him way to well for that.

I watched him look around the room before lowering his gaze to the ground, "Jungkook said he'll talk to you guys, if you still want,", Jimin said trailing off at the end. I saw Jin, Hoseok, and Namjoon shoot up upon hearing and scrambling towards the door before Jimin could even finish the rest of his sentence, "just wait in the living room though because he wanted to talk to Taehyung first.".The three nodded before pushing past Jimin towards the living I was guessing.

I stayed rooted to my spot still staring at Jimin, waiting to say something to break the new awkward tension put between us. As my mind scrambled for something to say I watched as Jimin slowly made his way back out the door that he almost hit me with. I didn't just want him to leave so without thinking I reached out and grabbed his wrist making him stop in his tracks and look at me with a shocked expression plastered onto his face.

My mind raced trying to come up with something to say now that I was holding him here, only one thing coming to mind.

"I'm.. Sorry by the way.", my voice slightly cracking in the middle making the top of my cheekbones go red from the embarrassment of not being a to say the simple sentence. I was hoping I didn't have to explain what I was apologizing for and he'd know. I didn't want to have to explain how shitty I felt for using someone so.. so great and pretty and not deserving to be treated so badly.

Jimin turned back around slightly to be able to meet my stare, his eyes filled with uncertainty and surprise. I felt so exposed with the way he was staring into my eyes, like he was searching them to not only make sure I was being genuine and not just saying that.

"It's alright hyung.", he said quietly his gaze still locked with mine. I didn't want to be the one to break the eye contact we had so I was slightly glad yet terribly disappointed when he did instead while also taking my hand that was already on his wrist and dragging me with him to what I presumed was the living room where hopefully everything was going to be figured out.



yikes so this chapter was like actual shit, I apologize a ton and promise the next will be better but it's gonna be hella long (probably close to 3k words, which is a lot for my small brain to write lol) so like don't expect it to be up till like Monday or Tuesday most likely.

Any way thank you for reading and please vote comment and share if you've enjoyed this book so far!!

(edit: next update definitely wont be up till Thursday because its been pretty difficult to write so far, sry everyone!)

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