Chapter One: Wake Up!

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(Quick note: This is the sequel to When Stars Collide. It would help if you read that one first. Yes, the Doctor will be in this story, eventually. But this focuses primarily on Hiro. Warning: Major Character Death. Continue at your own risk.)

The first thing that registered in Hiro's mind was the pain. He gasped as his chest seemed to explode, pain ripping through his entire body as he flew backwards, his arms and legs flying out behind him, like they couldn't quite keep up with the rest of him. This wasn't how things were supposed to go. This wasn't how they were supposed to go at all. How had it gone so wrong?


He gasped, choking on his own blood, unable to keep the gurgling cough at bay. How had this happened? Why did the world seem so dark? His eyes were so heavy. Why were they so heavy? And why did the air feel so thick? Why couldn't he focus?

Footsteps sounded in his ears, stopping abruptly. The momentary silence was followed by the sound of shuffling, rustling fabric. How could he hear all that and not be able to see or breathe?

"Come on, buddy. Don't do this to us."

Was that Fred speaking? He wasn't sure. His body felt so heavy. He could feel the life draining from the hole in his chest. Who had shot him again? Oh yeah, that one guy who'd threatened to blow up the hospital. Why hadn't he made his suit more bulletproof? There were obviously parts that needed some serious attention in that area.

Hiro reached out a hand, his vision swimming as he tried to open his eyes. Was this what it felt like to die? Part of him felt completely at peace with the idea, while another part of him struggled against the shock his body was going into. Why did it have to hurt so much?

"Come on, Hiro! Wake up!"

He felt a slap to his face but couldn't respond. His mind was in turmoil, the voices growing fainter as his energy drained. This was not supposed to happen. Things weren't supposed to happen like this. Why had it happened again?

He gave up trying to open his eyes, not liking the dizzying images he'd seen through the slits. It was so hard to breathe. Something liquid gurgled up in his chest.

Who was he again? Hiro. His name was Hiro. Hiro Hamada.

"Come on! Breathe!"

But he couldn't breathe as liquid filled his lungs. His mind seemed to spiral and shatter into a million pieces. His world continued to grow darker, his body dissolving into the floor beneath him, reminding him of the one time he'd fallen asleep on the beach, the waves silently creeping up on him.


Weakly, he tried to wave a hand to ward off the sudden feeling of pressure against his body but couldn't. His fingers barely left the ground. Was someone pushing on his chest? Why wouldn't they just leave him alone? Let him sink into the floor and become one with it?

Something forced his mouth open, tilting his head back as air forced its way down his throat. How many times had that happened? Once? Twice? Ten times? Maybe more. He couldn't remember. Maybe not being able to remember was a good thing. Then came the pressure on his chest again, pushing down, making his heart move, even if sluggishly.

Then his body convulsed and he was coughing, violently coughing up blood and who knew what else. Only it wasn't blood.

Hiro gasped and choked, more liquid spewing up from his lungs, lungs that burned like fire. It hurt. A lot. His fingers scraped the ground, fists filling with fine grit, though he had no idea where it had come from. Hadn't he just been shot? Wasn't he bleeding out on the hospital tiles? What was going on?

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