Chapter Twenty Eight: Just go with it.

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With Hiro unable to do the majority of the heavy lifting, the manufacturing of the microbots went a bit differently than it had the previous few times. It also didn't help that Tadashi insisted Hiro actually sleep in his own bed instead of just dozing off on a random chair or the couch in the garage. He wasn't about to let his brother reopen his incisions by falling off a chair or moving in an unnatural way while he was sleeping.

But, thankfully, after a month, Hiro was cleared to go back to his usual activities, more or less. And that meant he could work on his other project while Tadashi thought he was asleep. Whether or not he was fooling anyone was anyone's guess, but at least the microbots were coming along nicely, and he could always use that as an excuse. After all, he did want to make a big bang.

Unfortunately, he hadn't counted on Tadashi deciding he needed a break from everything with only one week to go.

One morning, after Hiro had stayed up most of the night working on his other project, Tadashi came down early. Hiro only had enough time to quickly hide what he was working on before his brother came into his impromptu lab space.

"I thought you were up to something," Tadashi admonished when he saw the dark circles under his brother's eyes. Fortunately, he only saw his brother working on some potential designs on his computer.

Hiro couldn't help but give his somewhat guilty smile. He never could pull a fast one on his brother. Tadashi just knew him too well, though there were decidedly some differences, what with Hiro having some advance knowledge of things to come and so forth.

Tadashi sighed. "I know the doctor gave you the go ahead, but if you don't take a breather, you're going to burn yourself out before the showcase. You need a break."

About to protest, Hiro only ended up closing his mouth when his brother gave him that one look. Instead, he pouted, arms folded in protest across his chest.

"Don't give me that look," Tadashi gently scolded. "I know you've been sneaking out of bed to work on things. You can't burn the candle at both ends. It doesn't work that way." He threw the spare helmet towards his brother.

It was only at that moment that Hiro realized Tadashi had his usual helmet under his arm. "I guess this means we're going somewhere," he said slowly, testing the waters. This was so totally outside the expected course of events that he wasn't sure what to think.

"Yep," Tadashi confirmed. "We're going to my lab again."

That made Hiro do a double-take. "Why would I want to do that?"

Tadashi shook his head in an exaggerated gesture. "Hiro, Hiro. Don't you trust me? There's a lot more than what you saw last time. That and Baymax asked to see you."

Hiro froze at that comment, his mouth hanging open in shock. "What?" That had definitely never happened before.

His older brother chuckled. "Thought that might catch your attention. But it's true." He rubbed at the back of his neck. "Actually, it is a bit odd. He's only really seen a handful of people. And I've never had him ask for someone specific before. For some odd reason, he seems to think you're his number one patient."

Blinking rapidly at that, Hiro pushed away from the computer. "But he only saw me the one time." In this lifetime, he amended mentally. But then, the thought that Baymax had seemed to remember him from the original timeline last time came to mind. "Did he say what he wanted?"

"I'm going to guess he wants to make sure you're okay," Tadashi commented wryly. "I was inclined to reboot his system, do a complete reinstall, but decided I'd just go with it."

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