Chapter Twenty One: It's going to be okay.

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Cass Hamada paced the massive waiting room while Tadashi sat in one of the many chairs. Part of her wanted to be in there with Hiro. Another part of her knew that wasn't possible. But he'd looked so small and vulnerable on that bed! And his face had been so pale. It reminded her of the first years she'd had him in her care. He'd so small and defenseless even back then. She just wanted to wrap him up in her arms and hold him.

What the doctor had told her made her heart lurch. How had this happened? Weren't there usually warning signs? Didn't it take a while before things got to this point?

She chewed on her fingernails, a nervous habit she'd tried to break. Pacing wasn't helping either.

"You're going to wear a hole into the carpet," Tadashi admonished gently. He was just as worried as she was but knew pacing wouldn't help. "He's in good hands." Somehow, he managed to exude a sense of calm, even though deep down his emotions were roiling just as frantically as hers.

Cass chewed her nails as she paused. "How can you be so calm? You're brother's in there on an operating table and he might not wake up!"

Tadashi knew she didn't mean to be sharp, but it still cut like a knife. "I know. I know," he sighed, rubbing at the back of his neck. "I was there, remember? Acute appendicitis, with the possibility of his appendix having already ruptured. They won't know for sure until they go in because the ultrasounds wouldn't give a clear picture."

Unable to take it anymore, Cass turned to her oldest nephew, who had stood from his seat to comfort her. She fell into his arms and sobbed. "How did this happen? They can't take Hiro away from us!"

"No one's going to take him away from us," Tadashi soothed, gently rubbing his aunt's back. She was more tense than he was. It was very likely she was flashing back to the car crash that had taken his parents' lives. "It's going to be okay. I know it is."

His sense of confidence seemed to soothe her more than any other words or actions could. "Thank you, Tadashi. You're right. He'll be okay. He has to be okay." She balled up her fists in determination as she looked up into Tadashi's face.

Tadashi gave his aunt a kiss on the forehead. "There. See? Why don't I go get you something? Maybe some coffee?"

Cass nodded as she sank down into a chair, exhausted. "That would be nice." Maybe it would soothe her frazzled nerves. That, or make them worse. She wasn't sure which would occur. But anything was better than the current state she found herself in.

Glancing back just once, Tadashi followed the signs pointing to a small hospital café. It wouldn't be the same as her brew but would have to do. And it would allow him some time alone as well, to come to terms. Just in case.


Cass almost jumped when Tadashi returned some time later. She'd somehow managed to doze off in his absence. It took her a moment to realize what was going on, but when she did, she almost leaped from her chair.

"Here," Tadashi said, handing her a Styrofoam cup, looking rather apologetic. "It's not as warm as it was earlier, but I had to make a few phone calls. I hope you don't mind."

Gratefully, Cass took the cup and sipped. Tadashi was right. It wasn't hot anymore, but she didn't mind. Looking up at the patient progress board a nurse had pointed out earlier, she almost spilled her coffee. The information on the board had changed. She quickly pulled out the slip of paper with the Patient ID they'd given her for her nephew and compared it to the numbers on the screen. Recovery. She breathed out a huge sigh of relief. Hiro was in recovery. After all this time, something good had finally happened.

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