Chapter Thirty Eight: Just like that?

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Baymax contemplated Hiro as he watched him sleep. The boy had decidedly had a rather rough go lately. It would be a lie to say otherwise. And now that Tadashi knew some of their secrets, it would make life even more interesting for him.

The robot wasn't sure just how much Tadashi knew, though he was aware that the older Hamada had met the Doctor. What the Doctor had told him was still a mystery, one the robot would not contemplate at the moment. There were enough things to worry about without adding to the list. That and Tadashi had requested he not tell Hiro about his having met him. Ever.

The good news was that Hiro did seem to be improving. Whatever the Doctor had given Tadashi for Hiro seemed to be doing a world of good. After several hours, his neurotransmitter levels were closer to normal than they had been in some time. He still detected some anomalies, but that was not unexpected.

Hiro stirred in his sleep, causing the robot to refocus his attention. Brain activity suggested the boy was in REM sleep. That was good. It would help him process everything that had happened so far. And maybe it would stave off the inevitable. The robot didn't need the Doctor to tell him the kind of toll repeating timelines had on Hiro's mind and body. He could see it for himself and wondered if that was part of the reason the energy entity had sent him back with him.

Baymax was only mildly surprised when Tadashi returned more quickly than anticipated from the SFIT campus. He greeted the inventor in a quiet voice, then noted his mental and emotional state. "You seem distressed. Did something happen at the showcase?"

Tadashi went to his side of the room and hung up his cap before sitting heavily on the edge of his bed. "You could definitely say that."

The robot waddled closer to the older brother and contemplated him. "Will you tell me what happened?"

Tadashi suddenly felt glad he'd taken Honey Lemon home before returning to the café. He wasn't sure he could have this conversation otherwise. After all, she didn't know just how advanced Baymax was. Just to be safe, he glanced over at Hiro to make sure he was still asleep. Running a hand through his hair, Tadashi slouched. "Someone broke into the showcase last night and stole several projects. Hiro's was among them."

Baymax blinked at this revelation. "Are you debating the best method to tell Hiro this news?" He tilted his head quizzically to one side.

Tadashi let himself fall back against the bedding. "Yes," he admitted. "I just don't have any idea how this will affect him. After everything that's happened, I mean."

At that moment, Hiro groaned as he rolled over, causing both robot and brother to move so they could see him. When the boy continued to move, Tadashi got off his bed and walked over.

Hiro went to rub at his eyes, feeling rather stiff. He blinked his eyes open, a dull throb pinging at the back of his head. And there was the most unpleasant taste in his mouth.

"Morning, sleepyhead," Tadashi greeted affectionately. "How you feeling?" He held off getting too close, just in case Hiro's mood had swung to an extreme again. He didn't want to end up with another black eye.

The boy sat up, working his mouth and tongue to try and displace the awful taste. "Stiff," he answered, groaning as his muscles protested. "Sore. And a whole lot of thirsty." He paused, looking confused. "Why does my mouth taste like I drank a survival pouch from Davish Seven?"

Tadashi let out a chuckle. "I'm not sure about the survival pouch, but I did give you something to break the fever. Do you remember any of that?"

Hiro blinked a few times, slowly shaking his head. "No? I mean, I don't think so? I did have a fantastic dream about falling down the stairs though."

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