Chapter thirteen: You are a caring brother.

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The ride back to the Ito Ishioka Lab was a lot less stressful this time around. One, Hiro knew where they were going. Two, he knew, for the most part, what to expect. And three, though probably the most important point, he'd already had his run-in with Professor Callaghan.

Despite knowing this, Hiro couldn't help but feel some trepidation. He'd met his brother's friends twice now. The second time hadn't allowed the same kind of bonding as the first. He had no idea what to expect this time around. Things definitely wouldn't go in the same manner as last time, or the first time for that matter.

"I'm going to leave you in my lab for a bit," Tadashi explained as he led his brother slowly up the stairs to the main entrance of the star ship-shaped building. "I've got some classes before lunch so I'm going to ask you to stay there until I can come back for you." Tadashi paused at the look his brother gave him. "Hey, it's not like I'm going to leave you alone," he defended. "You'll have Baymax for company."

Hiro wasn't sure how to take that. He knew Tadashi only had his best interests at heart, but it kind of felt like his brother intended to use the robot as a babysitter. If that were the case, he'd have been better off just staying home. "I don't need a babysitter," he protested as they stepped into the elevator. If he'd stayed home, he could have at least played video games or something.

Tadashi pushed the button for the appropriate floor, then ruffled Hiro's hair. "Of course you don't," he agreed. "I just thought you'd have more fun at my lab than you would just sit at home doing nothing. If it makes you feel better, you can tinker around, maybe rebuilt your robot."

The younger Hamada knew his brother was only trying to make him feel better. It wasn't like he could do any real tinkering with his chest feeling like it wanted to squeeze the life out of him at every turn. But it was a nice sentiment.

In no time at all, Tadashi was holding open the door to his lab so Hiro could enter without jostling anything. "Password for the computer is Hamada7," he instructed as he turned it on. "There are a few snacks in my desk if you get hungry before I get back."

Hiro sat dejectedly on the same stool as the night before. Thankfully, he'd thought to grab a fresh notebook from home, though he anticipated hours of boredom. At least the notebook gave him something to do.

Tadashi moved over to the red case by the window, saying the one word sure to activate the robot inside. Once Baymax had inflated and begun his usual introduction, Tadashi waved him to silence. "Baymax, I need you to keep my brother company while I'm in class. Make sure he stays out of trouble." His words confirmed Hiro's sentiments about babysitting but it was too late to change anything.

Baymax blinked at his creator, then contemplated the younger boy. "Of course, Tadashi," he agreed.

"Thanks," the older Hamada said as he patted one vinyl arm. "I'll be back in a few hours." With that, he exited the lab, making sure the door shut securely behind him.

Baymax stared at Hiro, or at least seemed to. His eyes didn't so much as blink and the boy wondered what he saw. "Hello, Hiro," the robot finally said.

Those two simple words caused tears to well up in Hiro's eyes. They brought up memories of the day he'd finished rebuilding Baymax after losing him in the Portal. It brought back a piece of him he thought had somehow gone missing.

Baymax shuffled forward, wrapping his arms around Hiro's shoulders in such a way so as not to apply unnecessary pressure on his ribs and bruises. He raised one hand to pat the boy on the head. "It will be all right. There. There."

How had the robot known Hiro needed that contact? They'd only just met the once in this time line. That meant he hadn't yet downloaded a database on personal loss. So how had he known Hiro need physical reassurance?

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