Chapter Twenty Seven: A new angle

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The next day brought a lot of uncomfortable poking and prodding as Hiro went for the dreaded follow-up appointment. Thankfully, Tadashi accompanied him so he didn't feel as bad. But it still wasn't fun. At least the stitches had come out, even though he'd been given some very strict instructions that Tadashi promised to make him follow.

"I can't believe they won't let me lift anything over two kilograms!" Hiro complained. "And not for the next three weeks! How am I supposed to work on my project if I'm not allowed to do any heavy lifting?"

Tadashi shook his head as they left the hospital. Technically speaking, Hiro shouldn't have done a lot of things he'd already done, but there was no use crying over spilt milk. "Cheer up," Tadashi admonished. "You'll think of something. You just have to look for a new angle."

Hiro rolled his eyes as he climbed into the back of his brother's moped. Aunt Cass hadn't joined them due to having to man the cafe. "Ha. Ha. The only thing that would help keep me on schedule is if I have a lot of help, which I don't see happening." He rather thought he'd burned a few bridges the night before with Tadashi's friends. They had been rather cold about the whole super hero thing.

That earned him a chuckle from Tadashi. "I don't know about that. You did make some impressions last night. I'm sure my friends wouldn't mind helping you out, so long as you don't bring up the whole superhero thing again."

And that was the problem. Hiro sighed. Although Tadashi said it in a joking tone, Hiro felt sure he was serious about that. He doubted he'd made as big of an impression as his brother suggested.

Well, the night was young, as the saying went. He still had time. He just had to be careful how he went about it. In the meantime, there were other things to focus on, like convincing Tadashi to stop for some gummy bears on the way home. He'd been without the confectionery goodie for some time and was really craving them.


Hiro stared at the holographic projection of his microbots. Everything was ready: the design, the specs, everything. There was only one problem, the doctor's restrictions. He glared at the screen as if it were its fault he wasn't allow to do any heavy lifting.

Why did things have to be so difficult? Sure, he could get started, but he'd have to break everything to the smallest component. It didn't help that his incision still hurt, something he'd been told would happen. That didn't make it any easier. They'd also warned him that overdoing it could reopen the wound, which he definitely didn't want. He'd had enough of hospitals.

"You shouldn't make such a scary face," Tadashi admonished as he entered the garage from the outside. "You'll scare off the others."

That got Hiro to look up as he realized Tadashi wasn't alone. And who did he have with him? None other than the usual four Hiro had grown to know and love, just in a different lifetime.

GoGo sauntered into the space and leaned against the nearest worktable. She had her usual sarcastic "I don't give a ****" look on her face. "So Tadashi told us you need some help," she stated, chewing her usual pink gum. Once more, Hiro wondered at that, and why it was always pink. Maybe it was a flavor thing.

"He said you aren't allowed to do any heavy lifting just yet," Wasabi added as he walked in behind her. He folded his arms as he took up a position closer to one of the walls. "So we came to help with that."

Honey Lemon came next, giving a little wave, though Hiro noticed she blushed slightly when she accidentally brushed against Tadashi. "Just tell us what you need done and we'll do it."

And then there was Fred. "Yeah. Just let us know what you need, little fella." He moved towards the computer, looking like he was ready to play a video game instead of helping build something like a tiny robot.

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