Chapter Thirty Seven: Trying to reboot

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"Okay, big guy," Tadashi said as he pushed himself and the swivel chair away from the computer in the garage. "What do you think?"

Baymax shuffled forward, now free of the cords that had previously connected him to the computer. "I am a robot. I do not believe I am qualified to make a fair assessment of my programming's condition."

Tadashi let out a sigh at that. It wasn't an unexpected answer. "That's not exactly what I meant," he admonished. "Do you feel you are back to operational capacity?"

The robot swiveled his head from one side to the other. "I appear to be fully functional. Have you determined why my memory appears to be faulty?"

Shaking his head, Tadashi ran a hand through his hair. "I still have to go through all the data, but it looks like there was some kind of energy surge during those periods. I'm not sure what caused it though."

Baymax blinked at that statement. "Is it possible the energy surge was low enough that most scans would not detect it if they were not properly calibrated?"

Tadashi couldn't help but straighten up at that question. "It's possible," he said hesitantly. "Baymax, do you know something I don't?"

Seeming to look around, Baymax observed Honey Lemon was still upstairs with Hiro. That was a good thing. "Before I answer your question, I request you answer one of my own."

Almost too tired to realize this was an unexpected response for a robot, albeit one with an artificial intelligence, especially since he'd not been operational long enough to really develop a personality of his own, Tadashi just went with it. "Shoot." He would sort it out later when he was more awake.

"Last night you attached a small device to my skeletal structure. You said it was some kind of inhibitor. Where did you acquire it?"

Tadashi debated. Baymax had decidedly advanced far more than he'd ever thought possible already. He was thinking independently, and he wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not, though it was something he'd hoped would happen in the long run. He also knew the robot would know if he was telling the truth or not. "I met a man last night back at the lab," he answered. "He called himself the Doctor."

Baymax tilted his head to one side and blinked. "Did he travel with a female companion?"

Thinking about it, Tadashi had to nod. "Rose Tyler," he replied. Then the implications settled in as he straightened in his chair. "Baymax, do you know them?" He waited on what felt like tenterhooks as the robot seemed to debate on how to best answer that, much as he'd debated on how to answer the previous question.


Tadashi couldn't help but go to his feet, all but grabbing the robot by the shoulders. "Tell me, Baymax. This could be important. It might be part of why Hiro went downhill so fast."

"How is Hiro?"

At that question, Tadashi ran a hand through his hair before replacing his cap. "Honestly, I'm not sure. But I promise I'll take you upstairs to check after you answer my questions."

Baymax seemed to nod at that. "If you have met the Doctor, you should be aware that Hiro has been reliving the same segment of time over and over in a loop. Is this correct?"

The inventor nodded. "Yes. He said this was the third or fourth time. And that it's burning Hiro up from the inside out. He can't take too many more repeats before his mind and body basically shut down for good." The worry in his voice was so evident it made him look even more tired than he was.

The robot accepted this. "In the original timeline, Hiro encountered an alien race comprised of energy. They requested his help."

As the robot continued with his tale, Tadashi settled back onto the swivel chair, listening in awe.

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